title: SmackJeeves/KirbiesoftheAlternateDime... url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_KirbiesoftheAlternateDimension.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/KirbiesoftheAlternateDime... -----------------------------------------

DescriptionA delightful comic that may contain mild language about the life of the kirbys that live in the other dimension. It is a story about adventure, suspense, and drama, and of course, comedy. (A comic isn't a comic without comedy.) Current Chapter: Kuzer's Arrival, Defeat Daroach! Kuzer has showed up on the Halberd with a special trick up his sleeve. Daroach and his minions battle to the death with Daroach, and Kuzer and his friends fight back!
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Statuserror on 11.12.2013
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