title: SmackJeeves/SonicAuthorAdventII url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_SonicAuthorAdventII.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/SonicAuthorAdventII -----------------------------------------

DescriptionTEH CHAT IS BACK. Dont forget to space between your sentences.- Mr. Jack If you've come to SAAII thinking "Oh my god- another author comic!"- Never fear. this one is the ORIGINAL AND FIRST author comic. Well, it's prequel, SAA, run by mostly the the same people, was.-Rikco the Robot Random post of death and doom. ~ Ryan We demand cookies! ~ Shin Guess who's back and fluffier than ever! ~ Shard Oh Praise the mightly Lords of the Laziness ~Jayh TEAM JINJO PWNZ YOUR SOULS! AND IM BACK! -2021 Run around for all I care! I have me my flying ceiling! HA! ~Slash Beware the newness! ~3000
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Statusok on 04.05.2013
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