title: SmackJeeves/NihilWandasJourney url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_NihilWandasJourney.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/NihilWandasJourney -----------------------------------------

DescriptionI did this comic in coorperation with a friend of mine. Drawings, idea, characters and translation [The originalversion is in German] are all my fault. Wanda strongly believes she is a princess and wants to prove it, since most people just do not want to pay tribute to her. Together with Avis, a wood imp who accompanies her out of pity, Wanda embarks on a journey to the Garucian Mountains to see the mighty wizard Hon-ar, whom she expects to trace her [as she believes] lost, royal parents. Unfortunately it turns out that the world has other plans for the young woman.
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Statusok on 27.04.2013
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