{"01Thesis": ["http://thesis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "After WWIII, a corrupt government (made up of the rich, who had the money and resources to survive underground after nuclear war) takes control of the Underground and its survivors. Power struggles insue between the two major government factions, the first faction wanting to discover and monopolize immortality through 'human enhancement' (using the human body as framework, putting in technologies to enhance bodily functions), and the second faction wanting to discard the tangible body and transplant the human spirit/mind directly into an all robotic body. Meanwhile rumors of a mysterious man who has already discovered the secrets to immortality spring up across the land. Renoire (a she-android), manipulated into doing the Robotic Faction's dirty work while her sickly adopted human brother Sariel is under the \"care\" of the cruel government, and Cyon (an android servant of the government/Robotics Faction) take on the mission of tracking down this supposed immortal man. Though Renoire has her personal reasons for taking on this mission...", false, true], "0eight": ["http://0eight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 38, "a comic that you may have seen before, i have been working on it for a few years now, putting it up taking it off changing things. now i feel like i have it together and i'm ready to show. enjoy", true, true], "10043C3": ["http://1004.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "Hyun Joong and Takeru couldn't be more different: While the young korean student Hyun Joong is studious, shy and short on words, Takeru is energetic, extroverted and the perfect lover. One day, Hyun Joong asks Takeru to teach him how to enjoy life, open up and how to love. But what will await the young men in their lessons? Can you teach love? ----------- You are my 1004 You are my <3 (Please read from right to left) [Boys Love Story]", false, true], "1009sSpritersVacation": ["http://1009sspritersvacation.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 164, "Okay, so I have updated the site completely, other than the custom pages which I'll get to later at some later point in time. For now, it has no effect on the continuation of the comic, only thing affecting continuation is Sike who has not yet made a sprite sheet for a certain character that's needed for a future part in the plot. But anyway, comment, fav, and rate! That'd really be appreciated~ NOW ACCEPTING CAMEOS!", false, false], "122159": ["http://onetilnever.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Inspired by AZUMANGA DAIOH and SINFEST, 12:21:59 brings you a eccentric story about a sponge, an owl, a genius billionaire playboy misanthropist, and a goody two shoes.", false, true], "12years": ["http://12years.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 91, "our lovesick heroine, Tenjou Yanaki, is an ordinary 16 year old \"fortune-telling enthusiast who was given a mysteriously charming pendant from a surreptitiously strange and obscure old lady. yanaki soon wakes up only to find out that she's in her 28 year-old body ... 12 years from the future !\" - - - - - OH MY. please forgive my typo errors;; i always forget to double check the pages after typesetting.. so if there are misspelled words or ridiculous grammar, please, don't mind it. //OTL *contains mushy romance* *may contain mild offensive language* * read from LEFT to RIGHT ~! * [12 years] (C) masayahingArtist 2012", false, true], "136Petals": ["http://136petals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 85, "ITS BEING REVIVED! UPDATES SOON TO COME!! :D HUZZAH!", false, true], "13Vs": ["http://13vs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "La exquisita decadencia urbana sirve de escenario al fren\u00e9tico devenir de un estudiante universitario, acomplejado no solo por las inseguridades naturales que residen en cualquier ser, tambi\u00e9n por un profundo y singular trastorno de identidad disociativa mejor conocido coloquialmente como personalidad m\u00faltiple, as\u00ed el protagonista no solo tiene que sobre llevar un conflicto entre \u00e9l y su entorno tambi\u00e9n es una lucha constante con sus alter egos y como estos surgen en momentos cr\u00edticos marcando un paso vertiginoso en una obra dirigida a un p\u00fablico adulto.", true, true], "1460DaysinaYear": ["http://onethousanddays.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "August Sun's death has caused her friends and parents more grief than one human should ever experience. Driven and controlled by their grief, August's parents have scientists create a clone of their beloved daughter. This clone is known as \"August 2.0\" or \"August-Ni.\" No BL or GL. Only Hetero. Please note this is my first comic and therefore is still in experimental mode. I apologize for any inconsistencies with pages and art style. Read left to right--->", false, true], "15Days": ["http://15days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "A story I had knocking about in my head that I at least wanted to give a condensed treatment to, so a quick and sketchy 15 day romance.", false, true], "16Quest": ["http://16quest.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Currently working on this: Battle between fire and Ice. Forbidden love. READ RIGHT TO LEFT! The Fire King discovers that the queen has been cheating on him and decides to declare war on the Ice Kingdom... again. Reil, Fire Kingdom's general, bored of this endless cycle of open conflict (which leaves her too little time to slack off), decides to do something about it...", false, true], "1900WhyMe": ["http://whyme1900.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "Joseph is a middle aged doctor who lives a very normal life in the countryside with his 5 year old son, Emill. One day, they cross ways with a soldier called Edmond, and from there on life starts to change in ways Joseph would have never expected. - WARNING, YAOI INSIDE -", true, true], "1UpsBase": ["http://1-upsbase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "When Stinkoman tells 1-Up \"no\" one too many times, 1-Up starts a rebellion, with the help of a young Grundy named Peep. A remake of an old never-published comic.", false, true], "1cek1dsmuseumofreallycrazystuff": ["http://hai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 161, "Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai. Hai.", false, true], "20Galaxies": ["http://20g.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "The town of Quarterhill is famous for its modern legends and strange phenomena. When four local kids are led to the truth behind these legends, they are granted fantastic powers in hopes of saving the world. A revision of the 2004 version. http://www.20galaxies.com", false, true], "20TimesKirby": ["http://20xkirby.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 301, "20 kirbies, considered different from all the others by Kirby, go on a journey to find out their past... At least that's what Kirby wants, since he can't stand the fact of knowing nothing about them all. The answers come slowly, the suspense builds, and the question is, are they going to find out everything? Or are they just going to have random adventures, and never know all of it?", false, true], "22OhBrother22AyaoicomicaboutbrotherlylovebyJijiKero": ["http://ohbrotheryaoi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 69, "\"Oh, Brother!\" or \"Oh Brother\" or \"Oh, Brother\" Yaoi comic. Umi Shio has been struggling with his longtime crush on his half-brother, Eiko Oni. And if that was difficulty enough for Umi, Eiko chose to live his life as a celibate monk. But luckily for Umi, when Eiko comes of age, he must join the outside world and devises a plan to keep Eiko at his side. Together, the two must overcome trials of women, demons, and beasts or forever lose the bond between brothers! A Yaoi manga about bromance created by Jiji Kero.", true, true], "22Special22Care": ["http://specialcare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "This is about two enemies: Kant, the city hero and Jeremiah, the city criminal/villain. They were fighting, until Jeremiah broke his arm. With his kind heart, Kant deiced to take care of him until Jeremiah arm has healed and trying to put up with him for six weeks. Soon enough after living with Kant for a few days, Jeremiah started to fall for Kant. But, Kant still hates him\u2026. or does he? WARNING: Contains Boy Love! If you don't like, you don't have to read if you don't want to^^ And this is my first time doing BL, so be nice =_= I been reading them so I can get the idea^^; Oh, and read the normal way! Updates one page on Mondays, two pages on Wednesdays, and one page on Fridays", false, false], "22THERE22Wolf": ["http://therewolf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A \"cliche\" but enjoyable memoir about the life and challenges of a modern day, happily married, illustrator coping with the burdens and dangers of Lycanthropy...", false, true], "22WhatisitKaty22": ["http://whatisitkaty.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Katy is on a train journey to a not-so-far-off destination, you have limited time to speak with her before her stop. What will you ask Katy? An experimental comic removed from anything I normally do that requires maximum audience participation to find out Katy's story.", false, true], "24HCDBecauseyoureperfect": ["http://becauseyoureperfect.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Why am I going? Because You're perfect.", true, true], "25DaysofSmackmas": ["http://smackmas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Deck the Newbs cause they deserve it FA LA LA LA LAAAA LA LA LA LAAAAA~ Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls Penis jokes are fun~ We wish you a Happy Smackmas We wish you a Happy Smackmas We WISH YOU A HAPPY SMACKMAS... AND A DRUNKDUCK NEW YEAAAAAAAAAR~", false, true], "28Spiders": ["http://28spiders.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "There is a myth that you swallow twenty-eight spiders over the course of your lifetime. Some people can live with it, some people can not. And Ward didn't believe she could.", true, true], "2DShorts": ["http://2dshorts.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Shorts stories about my two characters Dahlia and Darius. You read this right to left :D", false, true], "2Kingdoms": ["http://2kingdoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 333, "Lost in the middle of the dangerous seaweed forest of Lebanon, Uegon Prince Apollo is searching for the way home. Joined by his cousin Paris, his faithful pet Pyou, and a pair of Uegon sisters named Diane and Juno, the group must face a deceptive maze of seaweed trees, giant flesh eating monsters, the Unknown Dark Lands of the Herse, and the biggest hurdle of all, a war in the royal house of the High Waters! **UPDATES: Tuesdays NEWS>>2Kingdoms now has a group page on dA: http://2kingdoms.deviantart.com/ If you have a dA account, please show your support by joining the group. It has special extras that can only be found on dA :D", false, false], "2Masters": ["http://2masters.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 341, "2Masters is a fantasy warfare series, in a world ruled by two supreme Masters, Masters of Heaven, who represents the spirit of freedom and love, and Master of Earth who is the master of wealth and power. The Two Masters fight one another and provides completely different philosophies for the living, and humans who follow them are granted powers. Thus creating a never ending world war... READ RIGHT TO LEFT - Asian way Update Every Tuesday", false, false], "355Days": ["http://355days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 153, "This was originally a comic where I attempted to make an homage to Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake, but it slowly evolved into A Dada Humor comic, which has now evolved onto a actual storyline that has gone on since April 1st 2012. This is my experimental comic where I attempt to post a comic daily with anything I can get my hands on, just attempting to get at least one page up! ***ENDED AS OF 9/2/12*** If you liked this comic check out my new comic: Euphemistic Eephus. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=127121", false, true], "3DSComic": ["http://3dscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 406, "All this is made on a 3DS, so expect miis, qr codes, and doodles from the notepad. I also take pictures of my hand-drawn stuff, which usually look better than the notes. All non-contributing co-authors have been reset. I am now more serious about doing this comic, and as such will only allow authors who continually provide regular content. Comicboy, this is your shot, you weren't removed because you are the newest author. Post, post, post!", false, true], "3FlungFromHell": ["http://3flungfromhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "At the momment it is just an idea, and a lot may change (including the idea never getting done). However I need a fresh project. Flung from Hell is about three demons hell didn't want and had them imprisoned. Centuries later they escape and rather than seeking retribution from hell, they travel to Earth to steal the souls that would otherwise end up there.", false, true], "4Ply": ["http://4-ply.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 141, "Four teens who have been friends since grade school enter their first year of High School. Will their friendship survive and if so, what about their sanity? Kamal: As strong as toilet paper we are. Carmen: Oh would you please just shut up! Kamal: XD", false, true], "4plyKamalsHead": ["http://4ply-kamal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "See what goes on in Kamal's head with his adventures and his memories of when him and the other members of 4-ply were kids.", false, true], "50Grey": ["http://50grey.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 72, "A story about Zombies and love. Updated weekly.", false, true], "50shadesofBlack": ["http://50shadesofblack.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "This is a comic made up of comic shorts. They will be following the life of a gay goth boy named Aubrey Parrish, also called 8:30 by his friends. This comic will be gay, maybe even funny, definately creepy, a little be scary, obviously gothy, and downright stereotype busting. There is gay boy love jank in here, but it is not a main themre (I hope it won't be anyways...). So (u-u) yes. Enjoy, my dark flowers. And NO this is not a stupid comic about babybats who cut themselves and listen to HIM while worshiping satan DX ask these 3 black smudges questions! http://www.formspring.me/ParrishAndPals", false, true], "60Pages": ["http://60pages.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "This story won't be longer than 60 pages. No fillers, no chapters. Just 60 pages.", false, true], "60daylovestory": ["http://60days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Unrelentless, corny professions of love. True story. For my beloved. You know who you are. ({)", false, true], "628": ["http://628.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "My name is Logan. It would be pointless to tell you where I live. It's so tiny I KNOW you haven't heard of it. There's not much to say about me except for one thing: I fight the devil. Rated 12+ For general depressingness and some violence.", false, true], "77days": ["http://77days.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "Year 200X, set in a fictional little town somewhere in Japan. Nana suffers from huge memory loss; she can't remember anything about her past life - except her first name. She gets adopted by a nice couple that gets the girl to attend a local high school. How will a bit strange girl survive from her new, odd life? Will she ever get her memory back? At least her new friends at school promise to help solving the problem... School life, comedy, drama, fantasy | ongoing (2010-)", false, true], "8BITAUTHORTOURNAMENT": ["http://8bat.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "8-bit author tournament. Chat room: http://us7.chatzy.com/74000580639694 Password is Megaman with the capital M Admin password is mine and mine alone. None for you! A place to kick some other-8-bit-author ass. You have to use 8 bit sprites and backgrounds in any of your comics The 16 Contestants: 1. Greg 2. Mark 3. Spiderman 4. Chamas 5. Pop 6. Shadix 7. Jacob 8. Mhe 9. Numpidem 10. Opdisk 11. Foreign 12. Ryan 13. Megaman.exe 14. Shield Man 15. Gyro Man 16. Momentum X Banner by MarioKong Let the battle begin. Also I made a last minute change... the first round of battles will be 4 person death brawls! HAHAHAH", false, true], "8BitHipster": ["http://8bithipster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "Hipsters do some wierd stuff. Wear wierd stuff. And even act wierd. Its like there a living CYOA comic, which is why your here! To control a hipster! He's 8-bit because its \"vintage\".", false, true], "8StepsforyoutoFly": ["http://8stepsforyoutofly.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "The idea of love, to be together forever, to never let go of eachother... But yet again, these vow is broken so many times.", false, true], "8T4": ["http://8-t4.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 77, "Sen has just found something very interesting, a stray robot. Though it is not unusual to see robots around, this one seems strange. He calls himself 8-T4 and he looks, and nearly acts, human. He requests to be taken to 1-28-46, a run down lab, what could be waiting for them?", false, true], "8bitApartments2": ["http://8ba2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Imagine you love 8-bit. Don't deny it. You try and find an author comic that updates and is 8-bit; the only two you find are a tournament you don't feel like participating in and one about blank space full of awesome authors you would be grateful just to say hi to. You also see, below those, one about apartments for only the 8-bit; you are disappointed that it hasn't updated in a year and is totally dead. I am that person. AND I PLAN TO REVIVE IT BY MAKING AN ENTIRELY NEW INSTALLMENT KNOWN AS THE EPIC 8-BIT APARTMENTS 2! Anyone with 8-bit character can join; any kind of character is fine. Just no people in giant mecha suits that have no weakness. Those people are nuts. Anyways, you can't just apply, I have to invite you. To get me to invite you, simply comment a link to your sprites so I can see if they are good enough (by which I mean no recolors). ~ ServantofCygnus If you want a custom room, just give me concept art of the room you want, keep it simple ~supersonic1009 I can has good sprite editing skills if you want a character revamp ~Floobeh", false, true], "8seconds": ["http://8seconds.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 129, "It only takes 8 seconds to change your life forever. Johnny is an average guy, who in just a day will experience events that will make him question the way he has lived. Now he'll have to face his fears in order to achieve the happiness he thought he had. Now with 50% more updates! Spellcheck by David Bradley.", false, true], "9ChancesforLove": ["http://9chances.thewebcomic.com/comics/", 198, "Finding the right person to love is quite a challenge. Approaching the person you love is an even bigger challenge. But the biggest challenge of them all is to keep that person by your side. When two strangers meet, they can decide to become friends, leave the other to be or become enemies, but what if they happen to share something, something they cannot control and not even really are aware of? (My English is not so good, if you find mistakes it would be great if you could point them out. :) Thank you!) (WARNING: 13/15+ BL)", false, true], "9Lives": ["http://9lives.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "After Connie's family inherits her great uncle Thomas' estate, they move to Dolores, Colorado. The estate is fully staffed, cared for by a mysterious, aloof Estate Manager named Simon Wolfe, and comes with an array of unique, frequently visiting relatives, some of which aren't very friendly. Coping with the move might be a bit harder than expected - especially when Connie inadvertantly discovers exactly why Simon is so aloof!", false, true], "AB": ["http://alistairandboggart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "*Updates when I'm not working! :D Alistair Wind and Boggart Cabera. slice of life/supernatural/humor If you\u2019re not into BL or Shonen ai or relationships other than hetero then this may not the comic for you. This is a side series which mainly focuses on their relationship aspect from the main series I am working on. Welcome to their unremarkable everyday with the occasional demons and drama. Warning: BL, profanity, sexual themes/contents. Their Tumblr: http://alistairandboggart.tumblr.com/", true, true], "ABadIdea": ["http://abadidea.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Boris is a highschool boy who has his hair cut in order to impress his friend... who hates the haircut WHOA QUALITY PLOT RIGHT THERE HUH? this is just a short BL comic i hope to finish and it won't make much sense... anyway, i hope someone reads it and likes it :) warnings: bad language and probably some sexy times -updates whenever i can, sorry about that!", false, true], "ACCIDENTALS": ["http://accidentals.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Around a decade ago my brothers and I created a heap of superheroes (so-called \"ultra-heroes\" or simply \"ultra's\"). Over the years our ideas, in some form, have been turning up more and more in regular comics. This disturbed me. Hereby I'll introduce a world filled with para sapiens, before there's nothing original about it left.", true, true], "ACollectionofNonSense": ["http://acollectionofnonsense.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "ADVENTURETIMEaVeryOddFanComic": ["http://averyoddfancomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "This is a seriously weird fan comic. Like, seriously, bros, this is gonna get strange. There's like, grown-ups and shit. Oh yeah, and cussing. There's cussing, man, and gore. Dudes, this ain't for children, this is cray cray. +++ Updates on Mondays! :D", false, true], "ADayOut": ["http://adayout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 238, "Lizzy is an average soccer playing teen with issues. After distancing from a childhood friend, she must find out what kind of a person she really is, and along the way, discover true potential as a soccer Champion!", false, true], "ADoomerGeneralsTale": ["http://generaldoomer.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "An untold tale of the rare side of the Doomer bird species... Including their general Schnee Doumas, the son of Ceilia Doumas, who is facing issues like any other young adult would do, such as being bullied and maintaining the family.", false, true], "AFairyTale": ["http://afairytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "", false, true], "AGirlAndHerShadow": ["http://agirlandhershadow.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 111, "There's something under the little girl's bed. It likes to play hide-and-seek and it's always hungry. It's also her best friend.", false, true], "AGirlontheServer": ["http://girlontheserver.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 112, "The true and mostly true stories of a girl playing online games and having to deal with all the crap that comes with it. Because apparently, girls don't exist on the Internet!", false, true], "AGuyAGirlAndAnIsland": ["http://ggi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Think of the possibilities of One Guy, One Girl, and an Island in the middle of the pacific ocean... Inside lies Treasure, Swearing, Lies, Truths, Hermit Crabs, Coconuts, and even some Pirates! All of which is true in this Shocking and Lurid Documentary about two people trying to survive on an island in the middle of nowhere.", false, true], "AHJS": ["http://ahjs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin in funky adventures :D", false, true], "AHeavyandHisNagato": ["http://heavyxnagato.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This comic is finished with Page 24... A random story of happenstance that is somewhat based on somewhat true events in Team Fortress 2 relating to a fan of the Haruhi Suzumiya character Nagato Yuki. A Heavy sets up his favorite spray of his favorite anime character, Nagato Yuki, whom he loves like a real person. How will this tale of unrequited love turn out? This tale is more Heavy focused than Nagato focused by the way for Nagato's just a spray in this tale.", false, true], "AHeroesBloodline": ["http://heroesbloodline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "An ancient ancestors blood still runs through nearly everyone in a small, isolated community. Well, everyone but one boy it seems whose lack of powers, known locally as 'differences', first see's him bullied, then tossed into even more worrying situations he never knew existed. Updated Tuesday", false, true], "AIISHI": ["http://aiishi.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Two child made a bow to love each other when they grow up. They were separated by fate and changed by time. After a few years they meet again and completely turned into different person. Is it possible for them to recognize each other?Will the promise be fulfilled or will it become dust in the wind? Warning: shoujo!!! read from Left to Right to all who fav my web comics thank you very much!!muahhhhhhugggssss I want to redo and redraw the pages to make it better! thank you =)peace", false, true], "AKA": ["http://aka.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Katherine Hawk has always known that she wanted to be a superhero. Though now that\u2019s she\u2019s old enough for her grandmother to actually let her try, she might need some help, no matter how begrudging that help might be.", false, true], "AKirbyKomic": ["http://akirbykomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2031, "Join Kirby, Meta, and friends as they travel throughout the Kirby video game series and attempt to stop evil who are trying to destroy this series. It's a daily 4-panel adventure filled with science fiction, humor, and randomness.", false, true], "ALaMode": ["http://alamode.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 183, "Lamode sells talking pretzels to pay the rent. Her apprentice Schulz handles the wilder creations. Her new home Arryn, a college neighborhood pretending to be a town, helps Lamode discover love, acute distaste for movies, and the best way to a customer's stomach. A La Mode updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.", false, false], "ALiebyAnyOtherName": ["http://albaon.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "This is a tale of two best friends, hiding behind a mask only somewhat forced onto them. Mayoru Hakuo, the happy go lucky fan boy hides his enthusiasm under the cover of the cold as ice student council president. Takeshi Igaraki is a serious guy with a foul mouth under the guise of the sweet and enthusiastic team captain. Together, as both secret best friends and sex friends, they try to live their lives, without revealing their true natures. Note, this is a yaoi story.", true, true], "ALittleBet": ["http://alittlebet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "Izumi hates his life and wants to end it. He is lonely, has no true friends and recently lost his job. He briefly meets someone in a random chat room on the internet and makes a bet he thinks is innocent: \"I bet my life that I will not live threw tomorrow.\" Naturally he lives the next day, however the anonymous person in the chat room takes him seriously and claims Izumi's life. Izumi plays along soon finding himself in a bigger mess than he thought. This will contain yaoi/BL and mature content later on in the story. you have been warned.", false, true], "ALittleBitofIdiocyandLunacy": ["http://idiocy-and-lunacy.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Just random comics, made for a bit of a laugh. Hopefully it makes readers have a bit of a laugh. Art is quite \"inspired\" by Cyanide and Happiness. Also, in Idiocy and Lunacy, I will be parodying quite a few characters such as Superman, Spider-Man and Batman. Official updates are every Wednesday and Sunday, but there are no set updates for the \"Extras\" part of \"Idiocy and Lunacy\"", false, true], "ALoonaticsTale": ["http://aloonaticstale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 264, "A king needs a team of elite experts to help fight crime and uphold the peace of Mercia. Unfortunately, he hires crazy people for the job. This didn't quite pan out the way he thought it would.", false, true], "ALooseConnection": ["http://alooseconnection.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "A spy looking out for himself, a victim still adjusting to life after torture, and the daughter that binds them. A Harry Potter fanfiction written by Kermitsgirl and brought to life on the comic page by Megami23. AU, Post-Hogwarts, Pre-Final Battle, Dramione. Not recommended for children under 16. Updates Sundays. Read right to left (manga-style).", true, true], "ALoveBet": ["http://alovebet.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 261, "A Typical Love Story, Two guys and One girl... Because in the play of love sometimes the things dont go the way you expect... Read: right to left!!! Category: Shoujo, Romance, Comedy, loli, School Life, Slice Of Life. A Long Story!! xD Updates: Every 2 weeks!!!", false, true], "AMetalHeadsRhapsody": ["http://ametalheadsrhapsody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "A web comic about a Rammstein and Slayer fan named Carolina Ramirez, who is swimming in debt and is very lonely. But all that changes when she meets Claire Mars. Story: Leon M. Kishimoto Art: Cheryl Flores Updated sporadically.", false, true], "ANDHARAMysticBookshop": ["http://andhara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "It's not like I am an atheist... I just don't believe there's someone outside looking after me. My mom was a whore who run away when I was 5 and my dad -- well, my poor rich daddy is dead... And \"unfortunately\" left all his money to me. I've all my life to spend, but it sounds too glamurous... 'Cause since I received that damned \"make a wish\" thing, my life just turned in to living Hell. Hey, you - English is not my first language, so please correct me! ;.;", false, true], "ANGELOU": ["http://angelou-esp.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 528, "ANGELOU Historia y dibujo: CaiN Personajes: CaiN y PatoBorracho Genero: Aventura, Fantasia, Humor y cuanta cosa se me ocurra jajaja Sipnosis: La historia se centra en Nikole Keitaro, una chica de 12 a\u00f1os, qui\u00e9n emprende un viaje en busca de la persona que asesin\u00f3 a su padre, y tambi\u00e9n para buscar el misterio se su origen.", false, true], "ANewFriend": ["http://newfriend.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 39, "The remake of Original A New Friend. What happens when we find ourselves all alone? One little girl, Char Char, chose not to to be lonely. Whether by chance or by fate she stumbles upon some new friends. So where does that take us? Well, just read and see... Updating weekly-ish on Saturdays", false, true], "ANewLife": ["http://anewlife.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 19, "~\u0095\u00e2\u0098\u0085\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090When the ones you love leave you behind....\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090When it seems there's nothing left to believe in...\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090And you think you are going to fall apart...\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090In that dark place, in that corner where nobody can reach you...there's always a light that will lead you back to... happiness.\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095 \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095 ~\u0095\u00e2\u0098\u0085\u0095~ \u0095\u0095\u00e3\u0080\u0090A cute one-shot\u00e3\u0080\u0091\u0095\u0095", false, true], "APHAshitaTenkiniNaare": ["http://aph-ashitatenkininaare.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small open-style booklet. The United Kingdom has resurfacing memories triggered by the rain. However, tomorrow's weather might be fine. [USxUK, BL, One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "APHJPxUKMULBerry": ["http://aph-mulberry.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Fan comic (doujinshi) for Axis Powers Hetalia, small unpublished booklet. Japan attempts to convey his feelings to the United Kingdom, who happens to be in love with the United States. [One-shot, Complete]", false, true], "APIVirus": ["http://api-virus.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "The day starts like any other day for Cinta, Ravi and Api. But soon wierd things start to happend and the gang have to solve it, before it's too late.", false, true], "APPLESTRENGTH": ["http://apple-strength.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 118, "Sentenced to death, Naori Ketsueki doesn't expect miracle or redemption. Sure to close his eyes for the very last time, he wakes up yet into a strange world full of apples, where he will have to face his fate again, and the consequences of his actions. But what is the curse of Snow White ? And where will it lead him to ?", false, true], "APTComic": ["http://aptcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 76, "The random adventures of a catgirl named Ammika [who goes by PrincesTomboy the adorable oxymoron], and a bunch of other people. Updates Fridays - If anyone wants to contact me, my email is \"PrincesTomboy@yahoo.com \" Please note that it and my username are short for 'Princess Tomboy', not the plural of a prince. -- Until I figure out how to add \"tags\", here have a large block of things. Ammika Inferno 'ferny Ferny Kumi Kumimi Ally The Pampered Alley Cat Adventures Heroine on Heroin Ember Alex Overcast Helena Foxx High Billy Sometimes Yellow My His Name is Bobby Bunni Bunny Rabbit Candi Candy Sweet Cat Fox Wolf Dog Chicken Sonic the hedgehog Kirby Furry Anthro Cat girl Catgirl So Many Tags Animal ears tail cute cutesy kawaii Keroro gunsou magic updates on fridays.", false, true], "APettyNuzlockeChallengeLeafgreenEdition": ["http://pettynuzlockelg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 54, "Petty takes on the Nuzlocke challenge by playing Leafgreen in Hard Mode! Will her character \"Locke\" make it to the Elite 4? What does her rival, Gary, want? Will mewtwo destroy her team? All this and more as the story unfolds! SEQUEL COMIC: A PETTY NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE: HEARTGOLD EDITION http://pettynuzlockehg.smackjeeves.com/comics/1214263/cover-and-rules/", false, true], "APlaceofOurOwn": ["http://ourplace.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Everything in Sin's life was repetitive, bland and boring. But when he brings home a puppy from the rain, he brings home more, much more. Now Sin must help Kazushi get to safety. Yes, BL. No likey, No ready. Simple. But unless you don't like BL but wanna read a story that's good, funny and romantic, come and read Update every Sunday or Monday (more than likely Mondays)", false, true], "AQuestionOfCharacter": ["http://aqoc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1880, "Authors ([25/25]); Apple Bre BreakerLOLZ Celestial_Wolf ClockworkTH CM Punk Daniel Sokolov DelSoul Doctor_Vile Exerkol Fuzzy Fox Gatemaster Kaizuto Kitsune Fire Majin Tobias Royle McCulloch Scar Shard Slash Segary sonicballzx Sonicstar spark th TouhouShake Z 55DubDub -----PLACES OPEN UP EVERY SUNDAY AT 7PM EST IF ANYONE LEAVES/A PLACE IS MADE AVAILABLE----- THERE ARE CURRENTLY: ONE SLOT(S) AVAILABLE. IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FOR A SPOT, PLEASE SEND IN AN APPLICATION, EITHER VIA THE APP SYSTEM OR VIA PM TO ZMAN OR CM Punk. YOUR APP MUST INCLUDE YOUR REASON FOR WANTING TO JOIN AS WELL AS AN EXAMPLE OF (COMIC) WORK YOU'VE DONE IN THE PAST. REMEMBER, WE WORK ON A 'FIRST COME FIRST SERVED' BASIS, SO IF YOU DON'T MAKE IT THIS TIME, FEEL FREE TO TRY AGAIN IN FUTURE!", false, true], "ARandomShowcase": ["http://arandomshowcase.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 49, "yup... so many things to look for... drawing requests, drawings, sprite help and more. also random comics and lots of randomness, remember that. and remember that their will be uncontrollable laziness in this sometimes, okay?", false, true], "ARegularComic": ["http://aregcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "BL Regular Show Comic Mordecai x Rigby", false, true], "ARoyalPain": ["http://aroyalpain.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 2, "A prince - along with his comrades, strife to make a better world. There are 7 kingdoms, and each have their own leader. This prince, Leander, is the leader of the spirit kingdom. There are many mysteries and secrets in this world. Who are they? What are they? And what are they fighting for? This story contains BL/Yaoi~ Don't like that? Too bad xD", false, true], "ASPSC": ["http://aspsc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "only another South Park comic~", false, true], "ASimpleStory": ["http://asimplestory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "A simple story of a girl's develpment on realizing her sexuality and self acceptance Pretty short Probably going to be around 8-15 pages GL Angst", false, true], "ASoGBottledUpConfession": ["http://asogbuc.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "A young man moving to a new home. A little girl with a strange quirk. What happens next? Warning: Lolicon (Not in the explicit kind though) No dialogue Cliche (Sappy moments overdose D;) And it's a oneshot (so it won't last long) ------------------------------------------- STORY IS COMPLETED", false, true], "ASongforElise": ["http://asongforelise.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 202, "Andi, Marcus and Elise are best friends since high school. But it hasn't been an easy friendship... And it will get worse. How much change will their relationship be able to deal with, whether it's love or death? A yaoi manga with all the EMO that it requires! ;)", true, true], "AStrangeTypeofLove": ["http://strangelove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 226, "Dory's life took a whole new turn as an old flame of his ends up living in his house after escaping an insane asylum. As time passes by,Dory tries to (Once again) win Damian's heart. Will he succeed? Or will their 'deal' get in the way? You can find out in ASToL. 18+ Content: Sex (GAY sex ohohoh) Language Nudity I am not English,So my speech may be a little bit off. And the comic itself might be too,At times. (It's my first comic after all)", true, false], "ATLASAnotherTalkingLonelyAnimalStrip": ["http://atlas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A dog with the amazing ability to talk is the only one of his kind in the real world. On his search to find someone to talk to he finds a cat named Skits who also strangely has this ability, but is a little bit out of his mind. Along the way he learns the truth of where he comes from and what to expect from the future.", false, true], "ATaleofHope": ["http://ataleofhope.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "The hidden story behind the statue of Frillisean in the middle of the Dragon City, Warfang. Spyro heard a brief story of her part in the war, but here we will see how it all started and her life during times of Malefor's uprising.", false, true], "ATwistedLove": ["http://atwistedlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 60, "Raven did not choose to be a messanger of death, but will it cost her the only person she loves?", false, true], "ATypicalShoujoManga": ["http://atypicalshoujomanga.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "Like the Title says it's just a Typical Shoujo Manga! Well at least i think it's one...", false, true], "AVeryBoringLife": ["http://avbl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "Slice-of-life comic based around three friends - Joanna, Sophie and Olivia - and their very boring lives. Shenanigans, drama, and a bunch of other stuff, too! ** Updates Tuesdays! **", false, true], "AWellLitPath": ["http://awelllitpath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "A fantasy-esque comic following different groups of people in a world full of myth and religion.", false, true], "AYajirobeTale": ["http://aytale.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "A Dragon Ball doujinshi. Yajirobe comes between a scientist and the enigmatic Seal of Uroboros, but what do they want with her and her little pet? Updates weekly. Reads right-to-left.", false, true], "AYuriCollab": ["http://ayuricollabbitches.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 78, "Alright, so this is a collab, welcome to as many people who want to join. :3 This is a Yuri collab, so in other words, it's girl on girl. Don't like it, don't join it. Basic Story: Humans can have spirit protectors that arrive when they have life bad enough to protect them in partial human form (their spirit animal can be anything). Rules: Max of 3 characters State who you wish to reply to in comments When you apply, send a link for an example of your art NO FURRIES Thank you, and have fun. :3 I have the mature content warning on already just in case ;)", true, true], "AardvarksandDoom": ["http://aardvarksanddoom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "One mans ongoing battle against his own crass stupidity... Also, I lied about the Aardvarks.", true, true], "Abadsonicplotcomic": ["http://sonikuuuuuuu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 83, "It's a sonic comic and itz originalz. (It's supposed to look bad. *WARNING-Contains mature stuff. Mainly cussing*", false, true], "AbbimaysRandomness": ["http://abbimays98randomness.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 953, "PUBLIC CHATROOM: Add Skype user \"lucas.robinson4\". Abbi: \"relizes no one likes me.\" *sits in corner* Burey: \"By the name of Daucus I shall liberate those cookies!\" Jojo: \"Waiter, I'd like some PURE INSANITY to drink, If you serve that. ...WELL YOU DO NOW\" Tater: \"I don't only try! I don't do anything at ALL!\" Gigi: \"...Is this microphone on already?\" Lucas: \"WE WISH YOU A MERRY NEW YEAR AND HAVE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS\" Carbon: \"I am the almighty EATIRALATOR!\" Achasai: \"'Now Completely Spirit-Free!'\" Plazy: \"You underestimate the power of, SCIENCE!\" Foxpuff: \"It's an outgoing. I sometimes say that for no reason.\" Dry: \"FEWLISH LUACS, 2 + 2 = FISH. GET YO' FACTS STRATE\" Spark: \"We wish you a Merry Kirbymas, we wish you a merry Kirbymas! We wish you a merry Kirbymas, and a happy new -- *shot by Ryan* Ryan: \"*Reloading gun* God damn Spark. If you're going to sing a song, at least sing a good one...Oh, was the microphone on the entire time? Uh....\"", false, false], "AbbyinHell": ["http://abbyinhell.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 107, "A Girl. Zombies. A Copy Shop. How do you define hell?", false, true], "Abloodyrednuzellockechallenge": ["http://bloddy-rednuzelocke.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "Hey firstly thanks for reading this and i'll say this is a comic about yes ...pokemon ...... :D and why do we do it just because we can. the story begins with our two heroes Seth and Vinny ,these guys are friends and both orphans ,...... until they meet prof Oak ( who's mentally retarted) and then yes let the adventures begin grtz Simon en Elias", false, true], "AboutDead": ["http://aboutdead.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "", false, true], "Absurdworld": ["http://absurdworld.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "my world is absurd ...", false, true], "AbydosOnline": ["http://abydosonline.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 33, "The creators of the Abdyos Online MMO are proud to bring you the Abydos webcomic. Abydos is a new world full of unimaginable beauties and dangers. The webcomic follows the gods who were meant to rule over this world. New pages will be released every Wednesday at 12am ET.", true, true], "Acanthity": ["http://acanthity.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "", false, true], "AccidentallyinLove": ["http://ailove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "Title: Accidentally in Love Genre: Boys Love (BL) / Shounen-ai Please read from LEFT to RIGHT ^^ Synopsis: Miki Raquel (19 yrs old) a 3rd year university student from Science Department had never been in love ever since his first heartbreak and first love. He never tried to open up to anyone, until he met Ren. How does Ren affects Miki's perception on love? Can Ren cure him? XD kufufufufu~ *omg i sucked at making teh synopsis* anyways la^^ i hope u enjoy it ^o^/", false, true], "AccursedPieceofMetal": ["http://cursedmetal.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "An action packed story that fills in people who are protected by robots and they whom are suffering from the evil overlord's invasion along the planet! Although, the death of Meteor Luzi Infernatio, an alien that lives among the Mobians died in order to protect the others from the overlord's rule but failed to meet everyone's expectations. Now only that remains to save them from the evil overlord is the abandoned technology from the Xesperian races, G-Suko. Although, the luck is not on the Mobians side, G-Suko has not be seen for a while after Meteor's death. Where could he be? What is he planning? How can a serial killer save the Mobians? Read to find out! Note: This is a What-If series. Not canonical. Also, renewing the cameo spots! Send in cameos now! Robots would be more appreciated.", false, true], "Acedia": ["http://acedia-sloth.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "Acedia AKA:Sloth. PREVIEW. Luke is the epitome of todays society. A lazy, drop out student with no goals in life (or at least no goals that he can be bothered to strive for!) With a job that he hates and a family that love him, will he find the motivation to turn his life around? ______________________________________________ This short comic is part of an anthology that will be realised along with more shorts including all the other deadly sins. It is a group project published by Gashu-Group, a new hot and upcoming publishing company! I will be back with more details when the comic is released so be sure to watch this space; you won't want to miss it! Check out the website! http://www.gashu-group.net/", false, true], "Acquaintance": ["http://acquaintance.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 56, "Ruri found Rei hopeless and decided to help him convey his feelings for Miyu, get rejected or not doesn't matter. Ruri's only mission is to help Rei confess. Will it really be that easy?? >_> * unbearably ugly art at first but it subtly improves. *A long one shot", false, true], "Actionland": ["http://actionland.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 37, "An action packed manga style comic about artists who work in an amusement park...but they aren't just your average artists dealing with every day customers!", false, true], "AdaLeeComesOn": ["http://adalee.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 168, ">> A Faustian tale, or the story of a crazy woman. ___(Warning: this comic contains smoking, drinking, profanity, nudity, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.)", false, false], "Adalsysla": ["http://adalsysla.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 103, "there's a freckly guy who misses his girlfriend a lot and a blue girl who wants to find her brothers. on their way to wherever they're faced with a lot of trouble! drawn and written by piim, also known as Katarina Skott. mostly updates weekends!!", false, true], "AddingZero": ["http://add0.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 48, "The sequel to the After Subtract! Mario, Sonic, Link and Kirby bested their villians and saved their damsels (and cake) in distress! But what would've been a happy ending doesn't appear to have an ending at all! What happened when they all walked out that door? Find out in this wacky new comic! Update schedule TBA!", false, true], "Adrestia": ["http://adrestia.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "When the crew of HMS Penthos mutiny and kill their officers, it falls on Captain Rhys Harper of HMS Adrestia to hunt down and recapture the rogue ship before it can be handed over to the enemy. Adrestia is an age of sail webcomic set in a late 18th century alternate history. It's not really an action story, but rather focuses on the internal conflicts and relationships on board Adrestia in the lead up to, and aftermath, of the Penthos mutiny. There is also some magic. Just a little bit. Updates every Tuesday.", false, true], "AdultHigh": ["http://www.adulthighcomic.com/comics/", 63, "The author's comment of the first comic explains what all this bullshit is about (I'm too lazy to copy/paste/edit).", false, true], "AdventureTimeMaxesStory": ["http://adventuretimemaxesstory.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "An adventure time comic. well its my own story if i was in the land of ooo or whatever its called lol this is kinda like a boys love BL comic... but its not really all about that... xD anyways Max (me) and my awsome dog houndoom adventure and fight off monsers in the adventure time world yay! but when max has a crush on prince ed and evil rises what happens? will max tell ed about his feeling for him? and what kind of evil are we actually dealing with here?..and uh maybe some mature contant?... welllll... down the road maybe :3 oh you'll see xD This comic is rated teen because of the potty mouth, gore, and sexual contact uhhh yep ^^ well the sexual contact part wont be till later on in the comic so just keep that in mind ^^ Updates: mondays and fridays! depending on the homework i have...", false, true], "AdventuresinCollege": ["http://adventuresincollege.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 454, "These kids are attending college. These comics depict all the crazy things that go on in their lives.", false, true], "AdventuresofLumandFriends": ["http://aolaf.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 34, "The daily life of a group of wild Pokemon. Join a Ralts, Gardevoir and Mawile on their eternal quest for food, money and TMs. May contain violence towards human trainers, other Pokemon and cannibalism. Mmmm Tepig...", false, true], "AdventuresofMitch": ["http://adventuresofmitch.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 119, "The adventures of a fairly normal teenage boy and his host of crazy companions in a world that gives new meaning to the term \"modern fantasy\". Updates Fridays.", false, false], "AeRyoun": ["http://aeryoun.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "18 years old and a 3rd-year at Chang-Ryoung High School, Eunbyeol starts his new school year - which also happens to be his last before graduation - just like any other, when he unexpectedly runs into 1st-year Gangmin, his junior from middle school. Having been best buddies during the one year they were together, Eunbyeol is overjoyed to see him again. As the two (along with friends from both sides) begin their eventful school year, Eunbyeol struggles to believe that he cares for Gangmin only as a younger brother, though he can't deny the feelings that run deeper than ordinary friendship... and is Gangmin feeling the same way too? Friendship, study stress, school grades, College Entrance Exams, and the importance of being considerate to the ones you love most. [Korean High School Life/Slight Humor/Shounen-ai(Platonic/emotional relationships)] ('m sorry if updates are slow, I'm usually busy studying and I take so much time with shading the backgrounds in a sorry attempt to make up for its sketchiness!)", false, true], "Aerosol": ["http://aerosol.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 172, "what will become of us all? pite loses the most important thing in the world to him, vayla. a chance happening in the after life grants him a strange ability to take peoples angers and frustrations away and turn it into fire. however, the fire is only activated when he forgets about his one true love. pite becomes arrogant and naive, and ends up destroying the planet as we know it. this is the rough draft of a story i have been working on on and off for a few years. i plan to revamp the whole thing some day but i was posting it for some sort of criticism i guess. i've been between computers and programs, so editing has become a pain... but someday, someday, i will correct the spelling in the speach bubbles!", true, true], "AetherTheories": ["http://aethertheories.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 44, "Two conjurors face all kinds of supernatural foes, but their greatest challenge to overcome may be each other... Set in an alternate 1920's, Aether Theories follows Ambrose and his (somewhat reluctant) assistant Nekoda as they solve paranormal problems using magic. But something isn't quite right, and there are secrets aplenty between the unlikely duo. Will opposites attract, or will the skeletons in their closets be their end?", false, true], "AffectionateNO": ["http://affectionateno.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Kai has shut off her emotions to the world. One very bad experience as ruined her for life. She swears that she will never love again.Shes moved to the big city to start a new! Can she keep her heart locked forever?", false, true], "Afortuneshippingcomic": ["http://fortuneshipping.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "an extremely short story featuring kouki and hikari from pokemon. a collab comic with two artists. http://chillarmyekaki.deviantart.com/ http://huni-kun.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AfterDeath": ["http://afterdeath.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 46, "A little girl goes on the adventure of a life time, the only problem is, she's already dead. updates Mondays", false, true], "Afterconsolespunchout": ["http://afterconsolespunchout.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "This is fan comic/strip series for games like Mass effect, Dishonored, Skyrim, Assassins creed,Fable,Batman, Fallout(maybe)and others and Dragon Age now then though i like to leave that champions and dragons so tune in to see jokes that are guaranteed to be around 80% original most of the time! enjoy! (c)games and characters to rightful owners, also thank you game companies for the games and free potshots", false, true], "Against": ["http://against.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "A 25 year old man named Dacer Gaico and his friend Anima Sword are faced with a ground-shaking discovery when a man visits their village with dark intentions. Join the two as they go on a journey that may hold more significance than they could have ever imagined.", false, true], "Agapio": ["http://agapio.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "24 Hour comic done back in 2011. Tells a bit stupid story of a guy who merely found a key and ends up in a bit bad mess.", false, true], "AgeDifference": ["http://agedifference.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "Caleb is bored of his typical life, and would like nothing more than for something exciting to shake things up a little. That's exactly what he gets when he meets a mysterious girl named Maria. Maria has a unique problem; every week her age changes. Intrigued by her situation, Caleb offers to help her diagnose the problem and find a way to fix it.", false, true], "AinoZei": ["http://ainozei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 23, "--- BL --- \"Remember that time when we met and I fell on the ground? ... I should've fell harder.\" Two people, one story. Just a random encounter led to complete change of his life. Suddenly people are pointing guns at him, and a son of mafia boss is promising him protection... But is it really a promise worth believing in? \"Don't ever break your promises, Lu. You never know what you can loose until it's too late to care...\" ** Sooo, this is the first thing I'm uploading here and I am saying sorry ahead. The art is kinda sketchy ('coz I'm lazy as hell) but I hope you can forgive me ~ OTL", false, true], "AkumaKisei": ["http://akuma-kisei.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 304, "This is the story of a teenage boy infected with a Demonic Parasite. One day on his way home, high school student Minoru Kusari hears a cry for help. He decides to save the mysterious girl only to be caught up in her dangerous \"games\", life and death battles against Hunters and Demons, and of course, love troubles! What does this mysterious girl want with Minoru, and will he even survive long enough to graduate high school or will his inner struggle with his own darkness cause the parasite to have killed him by then?", false, false], "AlPoxalips": ["http://www.alpoxalips.com/comics/", 533, "A story about a man on a mission. A very well-to-do man, very well educated, and yet not very smart. His mission? To convince as many as possible that the globe is facing many man-caused catastrophes that can only be solved by everyone but Al cutting back on their life style. Dedicated to preserving the planet and his lifestyle, but with as little discomfort to himself as possible.", false, true], "Aleph": ["http://aleph.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 30, "Once upon a 1871... - The Napoleonic Empire established itself as the most powerful country in the world. - The Library of Babel contained and protected the well-being of all books ever written, as well as several alternative versions of each of them. - Words, when properly used, could deceive sensorial perception, and Aberrant books could turn fiction into reality and reality into fiction. - Friedrich came across a book he wasn't looking for, but everyone else wanted. Shenanigans ensued. Contains: nonsense, anachronisms, literary references, an ironic narrator, a little bit of steampunk, a little bit of science, traces of romance and a lot of family drama. Updates once a week.", false, true], "Alice": ["http://bloodyalice.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 6, "Contains bloody scenes, unnecessary violence, swearing, murder, cruel acts, and whatever else I wanna put in it. Everyone knows the tale of Alice in the land of wonder. But Wonderland is not at all like the one in the book. The original Alice, the Alice of whom inspired the novel, fell down a hole while chasing a white rabbit. However, her ending was not a happy one. Alice fell to her death. A great granddaughter of the Liddel line, was unfortunate enough to receive the name 'Alice' as well. Now she is plagued by a white rabbit. And chases him to wonderland as well. Though what waits for her at the bottom of the rabbit hole is a far cry of 'Wonderland'. Reads right to left.", false, true], "AliveinMusic": ["http://aliveinmusic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 5, "alice is a 16 years old girl who wants to be a singer. She searchs for a new band and this strange guy shows up...", false, true], "AllBonesandWoe": ["http://allbonesandwoe.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 20, "A rhyming ghost story following a mysterious, wretched man.", false, true], "AllInLOVE": ["http://allinlove.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 45, "A young boy starts his new day in another school. This school isn\u0092t like others. In this world, exist two species named Kay and Black Angel. Those species are in war, they can not love each other by there differences. This school was made for the two species gather together and make peace in to the world. Roy Figure (main character) is very different than anyone around him. A lot of things happened to him at his new school\u0085 He is somehow special to others\u0085 in the weird way.", false, true], "AllKindsofAwkward": ["http://allkindsofawkward.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 4, "All Kinds of Awkward is a webcomic based on all the different kinds of awkward high schooler, Blaire seems to attract to her and the people around her.", false, true], "AllRosesHaveThorns": ["http://allroses.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 41, "All Roses Have Thorns is a comic about angsty vampires. It's a slow moving tale spanning several centuries. The comic has been running for about 8 years now. The pages posted here, however, are early chapters that I am redoing because the original ones are soooo bad. Updates will be weekly until I run out of pages.", true, true], "AllStarHeroes": ["http://allstarheroes.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "(Massive video game crossover) The planet Corneria is under a constant threat of evil. The All Star Heroes, a team of six individuals with varying skills and abilities, are tasked with protecting this planet. The team consists of a Gremio from Suikoden (the leader), Billy Kane from Fatal Fury (the athlete), Ally Gator from Black & Bruised (the fighter), Coco Bandicoot from Crash Bandicoot (the tech expert), Toad from Mario Bros (the muscle) and Scorch from Army Men (the pyromaniac). Who will this team of six face next? It literally could be anyone.", false, true], "AllergicToEffort": ["http://allergiceffort.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "THIS SUMMER, follow the comical exploits of these idiots as they try to make you laugh. Do they succeed? You decide.", true, true], "AlleyCats": ["http://alleycatscomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "", false, true], "Allthatglitters": ["http://atg.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 135, "The members of the rock band celebrating in the a little pub, despite their troublemaker past someone 'll undertake to be their manager. The band's singer, Istv\u00e1n meet with \"Andrea\", who could change the band's future. BL love! Yaoi warning! :) It was a one-shot hungarian BL antology competition, mine didn't pass into it. So I'll draw other chapters.", true, true], "Almara": ["http://almara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "This is a comic that revolves around the fish-like girl Almara and her quest to find the place she grew up. This is because of traumatic events which left several holes in her memory. With help from a bunch of friends she finds along the way, she tries to regain her memory and find her family.", false, true], "Almost": ["http://ialmost.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Please read: Left to Right Summary: Through the ups and downs of each individual, the story follows a high school boy, Kazuki Yamamoto. Through his attempts and failures, he 'almost' captures the heart of the girl he loves. Except when something, unexpected, occurs... -------------------------------------------------- *This may contain fail humor,language,slight changes in drawings and stupidity.** - Update Status: Extremely slow -", false, true], "AloversRule": ["http://aloversrule.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 194, "SUMMARY.......... Oliver thought moving to America with Alden to peruse his dream as a musician was like a dream come true. He felt like the luckiest guy to meet Alden until one day his attitude began to change, becoming obsessed, abusive and controlling. When Oliver meets Julian, A retired military man, He believes that fate has brought them together through his music as he tries to develop a friendship with him. As a heterosexual man, Julian feels insulted by Oliver's approach and turned him down even though he felt something for oliver. Meanwhile, Jacob who is Alden's ex lover is filled with regrets as he reflects on his Past relationship with Alden. Finally realizing that he's still in love with him, he tries to find a way to break up Oliver and Alden's relationship. -----------------------WARNING------------------------------- This comic has really graphic sexual content. GENRES: Drama - Romance - Shounen Ai - Yaoi- boyxboy-some violence included, bad language. Comic status: Active Updates:Every day or Every other day! :) Reads: Left to Right", true, true], "AlwaysDamnedWebcomic": ["http://alwaysdamned.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 93, "\"He's been single for as long as I've known him and now that we're Seniors in High School, everybody and there MOM wants in his pant!?\" Josh tries to confess his love to his childhood friend Demetrius, but it doesn't quite work out as he plans. Something or someone is always getting in his way! Will he be able to tell his best-friend how he feels? Or will he let himself be distracted from his goal? Silly comic that will try to update on Mondays (and maybe days in between!) WARNING! This is a BL (Boy's Love) comic with Het and GL (Girl's Love) as a side serving. Dirty (& improper)language, bad art, pingas, boobs.", true, true], "Amaravati": ["http://amaravati.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 79, "Princess Itharelandriel Baer'Nathen quests to lift her brother's curse in any way possible, guided and protected by her new friends Ryo and Lance. In this fantasy of magic and mystery, nothing is as it seems and the truth is buried in a tale that began over two thousand years before. When it is revealed, only tragedy can follow. --Updates Friday at noon Pacific time-- WARNING: Some language and violence may not be suitable for all audiences.", false, true], "Ambivalence": ["http://ambivalence.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 10, "****** Ambivalence: \"mixed feelings or emotions\" (via Google) -- *BL Warning* Summary: Hideki has a secret love for his best friend Takeru. But Takeru will be leaving to study in England. What is he going to do? -- This is a short manga that will be printed at a local anime convention. Please enjoy it~ - Mao ** You can also find this on my deviantART http://beautiful-shinigami.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AmericasNextTopLolita": ["http://antl.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Who will be America's Next Top Lolita?", false, true], "AmongGods": ["http://loveblossoms.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 61, "A tale of Greek Mythology. Among Gods: Part 1: Love Blossoms :: Completed Part 2: Blossoms into War :: In Progress Story arc: War among Gods. Part 1: Story of HadesxPersephone Part 2: Stories from the Underworld Story Arc: Greek Gods doing Godly things.", false, true], "AmorVincitOmnia": ["http://avo.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 159, "It is said, that on the day I was born an angel descended from the heavens. He delivered unto me a blessing... and a curse. Updates once weekly (Unless I say otherwise) (Oh, and most likely on weekends) Warnings: -This is a Bl comic. That means man on man action. So don't be suprised, 'kay? I may also do het and gl pairings later if I feel like it. -Rating WILL be boosted to mature later on. Also, it can be rated mature for anything. I like to keep my options open.", true, true], "AmsdenEstate": ["http://monsterous.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 406, "BL/YAOI COLLAB- SEEKING LODGERS~ --------------- An old safe house for hunted monsters and creatures is reopened for housing and living! (And not just for monsters anymore~) :D Come stay awhile~ we won't bite! ...Unless you want us to ;D", false, true], "Amya": ["http://amya.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 246, "Amya is a high-fantasy graphic novel; following the adventures of a mute spell-touched and her unlikely companions as they are dragged into an adventure that is a little beyond them. Ultimately \u0096 Amya is a story about self sacrifice for the greater good. It is also a story of how far one will go to obtain unearthly power; even if it includes throwing the world into a mythical war between fate and chaos. Amya updates every Wednesday.", false, true], "AnAngelsSin": ["http://anangelssin.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a short comic inspired by Supernatural on the CW. All art and dialogue owned by Maximum-Delusion! <3 Thank you for reading!! <3 *Brofist* **WARNING: Contains:** -Destiel (DeanXCastiel) -Sastiel (SamXCastiel) -Hinted DeanXSam <3 -Gore -Romance -Wings <3", false, true], "AnUnconventionalPair": ["http://unconventionalpair.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "South Park comic COMPLETED A stupid short comic about Craig Tucker and Tweek Tweak's relationship Poorly written and drawn with lack of sleep and caffeine XDD Hopefully I won't give up on this comic when I know it won't be that long lol Also don't expect buttsecks. Expect cracky gayish insinuation: LIKE DEM LEGS -shot-", false, true], "AnUnexpectedDevelopment": ["http://unexpecteddevelopment.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 89, "In a world where Megaman and Roll have swapped genders and become a pair of human teenagers, there is a need for new heroes to rise in order to protect the city from both new and old threats. Instead they get Sam and Alex. Two mischievous high-school students find themselves in a predicament which is quite the opposite of Rock and Roll's, but just as awkward. Will they be able to get used to their new-found \"changes?\" ______________________________________ Well, here it is. This is a little project I've been working on for a bit. I guess you could call this my tribute to the old enjoyable Mega Man 7 style comics that popped up here and there during the golden age of spriting. Remember to read \"Slight Miscalculation\" by Mitchell00 in order to understand what's going on in this comic. http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=67755", false, true], "AnabelandherSister": ["http://anabelandhersister.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 14, "Anabel is a brat, but at least her sister is looking out for her. As much as a dead sibling can. Based off of a short story I wrote a few months back.", false, true], "AnalogueandDigital": ["http://analogueanddigital.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 102, "A comic about electronic music. With synthesizers.", true, true], "Anamnesis": ["http://anemnesis.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A soulmate is a very abstract ideal. But once Cecil finds his supposed soulmate, will he have to live several lifetimes to be with them, or is it not fate that keeps bringing these two together. (tw; shotacon and Minor to a substantial amount of gore)", false, true], "AnataNiMeOEyesonYou": ["http://eyes-on-you.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "Anata Ni Me O is a quick One-shot featuring fan characters for VanilleCream's Contest on Deviantart. For the sake of my sanity, I will update this every Thursday until it is compete. kylerthemighty.deviantart.com", false, true], "AnatawaWatashiNoChiisaiHimitsuTeIMasu": ["http://youaremylittlesecret.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 16, "Anata wa watashi no chiisai himitsu te i masu (You Are My Little Secret). Hino Katsu is a 16 year old high school student who up and until recent lead a pretty normal life of a boy. When his sister, Hino Misaki, suddenly runs away from home before starting her first year of High School at one of the best schools in the area, his parents have a cruel idea. Now Katsu is forced to repeat his first year as his sister at her school well his parents dish out lie after lie. Its not all bad though. His crush, Kagawa Nanami, is also attending the school! However, when Kagawa's older brother, Masato, discovers his secret, Katsu is forced to pay a price for his silence... Warning: Contains Boy Love. Cross dressing. Don't like either, sorry!", false, true], "Anathemacomics": ["http://anathema-comics.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 342, "1810 England, the height of the Napoleonic wars. It was thought that humans walked the path of enlightenment leaving monsters and dark things behind. However, those monsters and night stalkers merely hide in the darkness, as a young maid, Bernadette, soon finds out.", false, true], "AnchourPointsDiveAndRiseAgain": ["http://apdara.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "This is a 24 hour -comic that I made last year. (Meaning I made 24 comic pages in 24 hours.) As all my comics in SmackeJeeves this far, this comic is related to a longer story called Anchour Points that I plan to make one day. This particular story tells us how two characters met each other, but because of the page limitation I gave myself, this story is in a way incomplete. So you can expect part 2 in the future, but I can't promise when.", false, true], "AnchourPointsImageofMan": ["http://apiom.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 43, "A story of a girl defying our concept of man. Completed story, updating three times a week.", false, true], "AnchourPointsOnSand": ["http://apos.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 15, "This is a comic I made at school, when we were making fanzines of 16 pages and we were told to do a fanzine in two days or so. Originally these pages are about 15 cm high each, and most of it was drawn with diluted ink. Also these scans are quite rough, but I wanted this to look like this - they are in the desert, duh! 'On Sand' (Hiekalla in Finnish) is part of Anchour Points, a long, long comic I wish to make one day.", false, true], "AndToBeLoved": ["http://andtobeloved.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 96, "And to Be Loved is a webcomic about unrequited love, unhealthy obsessions, vanity, fashion, peer pressure, and apathy. So, in a nutshell, h*psters with too much time on their hands. See also: Bright Eyes, bl, Conor Oberst, LGBT, Indie, Scene, Bicuriosity, Homosexuality, BL, Pining, Complaining, Lusting, Ignoring.", false, true], "AndYourNameisNEW": ["http://andyournameis2.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 17, "Isawa Momoka and Yamato Jun have been friends ever since preschool. However, as friends would normally call each other by their first names, they do not...What doesn't help is that Momoka has been deeply in love with Jun, but has never had the courage to tell him so. All she wants is for him to call her by her first name. Just when Momoka is about to confess her feelings, tragedy strikes, causing Jun to lose his memory, and forgetting about ever being friends with Momoka. However, Momoka won't stand for it, and tries helping him remember everything, including her. Story and art by: Ai, \u00a9HaKu10 2012 Please read from right to left~ :) Updates will be sporadic~ :)", false, true], "AngelDown": ["http://angeldown.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 25, "Tahariel, a fallen angel, has been sent by Heaven into a post-apocalyptic Earth, where she has been assigned to slay her sisters, the Angels of Virtue in order to earn her own place back in Heaven. An art experiment wrapped in a tale of loss, atonement and revelation. for more, please check out the parent site: http://www.otherworldscomics.com", false, true], "AngelDust": ["http://angel-dust.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 24, "A 24 Hour Comic Day 2010 Project, in the raw as completed within the alloted time. Expect very rough sketches, sloppy text and scrawled artists' comments, an extremely inconsistent style, and an incredibly incoherent/confusing plot. Enjoy as is, please. PREMISE: The story of a teenage boy caught between dreams and reality in a near-future world, haunted by fear and feathers; a story of learning how to stand, when to fall, and the meaning of home. COMPLETE", false, true], "AngelGuardian": ["http://angel-guardian.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 144, "Kyrsiel is a young apprentice of Guardian Angel. His teacher, Gersiel, is responsible he achieves a successful test mission to graduate. Moreover, Gersiel may not continue his evolution as Angel until Kyrsiel, who is his last student, graduates. And this is not easy! Both will play an important mission on Earth: Protect Midori, a young student girl, from the demons that are chasing her. . Will Kyrsiel do it successfully or will he fail again? Story and drawings: \u00a9 Reenave http://reenave.deviantart.com Translated into English by: Louise Brown http://cast-into-the-abyss.deviantart.com/", false, true], "AngelHeart": ["http://angelheart.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 139, "It's said that a child's heart is pure like a plain white sheet of paper, and what's written on it will define the child in the future. Amadeus 'Raven' Alistair, was a sweet boy and a loving son, but his heart and life drastically changed after the arrival of new family members. This is a story of love and hatred. Revenge and secrets. Note : - Mature Content Category for the Dark themes - This is my personal project for practice, so there may be different styles specially of finishings that you may find as inconsistency. But aside of that, i'm doing this project with my heart, i'll try my best to make a good story and decent art to read and enjoy. - Supportive and constructive reviews and criticisms are very much appreciated :) Peace, Vdtitian", false, true], "AngelLight": ["http://angellight.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 21, "", false, true], "AngelProtected": ["http://angelprotected.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 163, "TO EVERY PLANET THERE IS A GUARDIAN\u2026 This is the world 17 year old Tiara of Earth\u2019s Heaven Realm was born into. Summoned to be next in line to be the Guardian of Earth after the heavy break down her older sister suffered; no one expects her to succeed as Guardian. Elgor Jagin, ex-solder of the United Galaxy Federations (UNRA) was chosen by fate to be young Tiara\u2019s Protector but with his dreams smashed to be by her side he struggles to see the point in his rule as Tiara Protector if he didn\u2019t want to be on Earth in the first place. Wars are waging in an already broken family and the war in that UNRA is currently fighting doesn\u2019t help the case. Tiara must pull herself and her family together for the sake of Earth. This comic is Rated T for Teen for: Language, mild sexual theme, Violence, mild blood. This comic will be updated Fridays.", false, true], "AngelWings": ["http://4g3lw1ngs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, ".... kids, monsters, tested loyalies. What else needs to be said??", false, true], "Angelbeast": ["http://angelbeast.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 13, "Eridan Ampora has killed all of the angels on his planet of LOWAA. They, however, are a game construct and their extermination creates another game construct referred to as the Angelbeast. -- this is a comic representation of this fanfic -- http://archiveofourown.org/works/406445?view_adult=true I only own the art, the original story is not mine.", false, true], "Angelophany": ["http://angelophany.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "In a futuristic city, remembrance of old superstitions and religious dogma is lost not only on humans but for angels and demons, as well. (Warring: Excessive amounts of violence, religious bullshitting.)", true, true], "AnimalAdventures": ["http://animaladventures.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 22, "In a world similar to Pokemon minus the humans, intelligent creatures called Animals must use their amazing powers to save the galaxy. Many of the characters and storyline resemble things from various media. Contains action, violence, gore, romance, clean humor, and extreme cuteness. Is read from left to right. This comic contains a lot of characters. Note: This comic does not update any schedule. I update when a new page is done.", false, true], "AnimalLoversYuriCollab": ["http://animallovers.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 117, "A YURI collab, cute girlxgirl collab Modern science has just come up with a new animal/human hybrid with human emotions mixed with the physical apperance of humans and qualities of a certain animal. They've hired animal lovers as test subjects to see how these creatures react to human companionship. All monitored in a test facility disguised as a regular dorm. So create either a test subject (human) or kemonomimi (human with animal features ex. cat ears, cat tail) NO FURRIES PLEASE Up to 2 characters per person. Draw a page instead of fillers. Applications CLOSED *but excepting waiting listers! Don't hesitate to contact the creators if you have any questions: SIDEPROJECT Troll *** *** Character Status: Humans: 7 Hybrids: 8", false, false], "AnimalsVsHumansRemastered": ["http://avhr.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "The story starts off when Roy returns after years of absence to a place that is at complete war. He, silas, jason, and ultimate will try to stop it.. while others will continue to make it grow. Ok here's the characters Humans 5/7 Jefery (bravewolf) The Black Eagle(jblack) Steel knight(digi300) Oda (odamaru) Chenana (arianatheechinda) Animals 7/7 Vanac Honmaru (vanac) Nitro Kaian (jameswolf100) Dark (dark) Bre (Bre Ishurna the wolf) Ariana (ArianatheEchidna) Max (NiggaShadowSaiyanXD) Catelectro (.:AuraX:.) Neutrals 10/10 S. Daniel Foster (Velocity) Shard Tenor (royle) Shift (overdrive) Soul (delsoulz) Scar (scar) Kai (kaizuto) (felix) Blitz (blitz3124) Frost (Frost the wolf) Cassie (TouhouShake) Villians 10/10 Copa F. Hinote (copafire) Rush (the new rush) Ray Zarra (afroman17) Fritz (m.daily) Mika Tist (Shard) Neku (delsoulz) Cronos (darkscarz) Julius (gmc) Bandits (ultimate) Eclipse (chaos the hedgehog) (updates every monday and thursday)", false, true], "Animayhem": ["http://animayhem.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 190, "Twelve-year-old social reject Vera and her best friend Maggie love anime more than life itself. Too bad they live in a world that's hostile to the magic of Japanese cartoons. And go to a school that contains a portal to the Underworld. And have to fight demons when they could be cosplaying or watching a Princess Neko-chan marathon... Vera and Maggie's adventures with the occult are twisted, gory...and so absurd, they can only result in total Animayhem! Written and illustrated by JoJo, currently set to update every other day until there ain't no more pages!", false, true], "AnimorphstheInvasion": ["http://animorphstheinvasion.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 1, "A fan adaptation of \"The Invasion\" by K.A Applegate. Jake and his friends are just normal teenagers until a chance encounter with a wounded alien.", false, true], "Anna128": ["http://anna128.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 28, "Meet Anna and her many Annas in anna128, an amusing chibi interpretation of real life situations, thoughts and musings of Anna San.", false, true], "Annie": ["http://annie-comic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 94, "We all love space westerns and spunky young women, don't we? This is the story of Annie Duncan, Freelance Pilot and Part-time Bounty Hunter, and the people she meets trying to make a living in a big and sometimes hostile solar system.", false, true], "AnotherMind": ["http://anothermind.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 36, "The story of two worlds. Our world and dream world. Disaster is about to begin in our minds. Who will save us and who will save our rescuer? Updates randomly. (At least one page per week)", false, true], "AnthemsofaTravellingPokemonTrainer": ["http://anthems.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "A few random, irregularly updated comic strips about the lives of six travelling trainers and the obstacles they must face on the way. 13+ for: -Mature themes (mentions of sex, drugs, death etc.) -Teen humour -Crude humour -Bad language (at times) -Accuracy regarding \"slice-of-life\" (pokemon-world-equivalent) situations -Crappy art -Irregular updates -Weather, part-time jobs and other not-so-boring everyday activities ---- This is NOT a nuzlocke. It's, as I've stated, slice-of-life strips in the mind of six travelling pokemon trainers. :)", false, true], "AnthroKai": ["http://anthrokai.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 67, "Hiro and Xeol are two friends who have been living in Tokyo, Japan since they were young. They have spent their entire childhood basically inseparable. But one day they were forced to say goodbye when Hiro's family made the decision to move to the US. Time passed and Hiro needed to make new friends in his life. Shortly after he moves, Hiro met some great new friends: Reed, Sam, Ryan, Raphael and Saia. Although Hiro and Xeol are separated, they promised themselves that one day they would be reunited again. -------------- Two months have passed since Hiro meet with Xeol. Now Summer Vacation is upon the group. The story moves to Australia, As Reed Invited the group for a months stay in his home nation for the summer. But unknown to them, their life will begin to shift from this point on in time... Updated Fridays.(Updates One Page Every Two Weeks.)", false, true], "AnybodyThere": ["http://anybodythere.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 65, "Short stories with monsters in them. Also a tiny, angry Russian man.", false, true], "Anythingaboutnothing": ["http://www.anythingcomic.com/comics/", 94, "A collection of random comics about random things :D", false, true], "AomisSketchbook": ["http://aomissketchbook.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 7, "A place for all my random sketches, drawings and other scribbles! Updates: Whenever I feel like it ;)", false, true], "Aozora": ["http://aozora.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 12, "slice of life about dreams, Cloud,a guy who's dreaming to become a musician was trying to bury his dream for the sake of his father. Celine, a wanna-be artist tried to waken up Cloud of how important it is to achieve our dream. hope every reader will get motivated and inspired to never let go their dream! :)", false, true], "AozoraMelody": ["http://aozoramelody.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "Azura, a nation based of the sky and water, is a peaceful country. However, their neighbor, the aggressive country of Kenet, threatens to take over their lands. Desperate to avoid war, the King of Azura sends his daughter, Princess Indra, to marry the 1st Prince, Aiden. After hearing several rumors about how he was a lecherous, disgusting, and tyrannical prince, she braces herself for an unpleasant welcoming in the country of Fire. ------------------------ Fantasy/Shoujo/Action kindofthing", false, true], "AozoraSuiger": ["http://aozorasuiger.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 9, "***Please read from LEFT - RIGHT*** Aozora Suiger (Title May change throughout the story until I find one to my liking) WARNING BL(Boys Love) Manga. If you don't like Boys Love please reframe from adding any rude comments and I advise you to leave immediately ^_^ Genre: ***Shounen Ai(mostly), Yaoi(?), Romance, Fantasy, Comedy A meeting that changed their entire life, two friends whose friendship that was never meant to be, secrets untold as betrayal plays its role, what kind of ending awaits these two whose friendship was lost yet a certain yearning in their hearts calls out to one another? A friendship born between a pirate and son of a governor, their life the complete opposite however, could that be the reason why they were drawn to one other? Let's find out as we read their story.... **** Please read from LEFT - RIGHT I don't have any special programs except Paint Tool Sai and I am a beginner so please take it easy on me watchers! This work is on SEMI-HAITUS.", false, true], "ApocalypticSyndrome": ["http://apocalypticsyndrome.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 8, "After the world war there was nothing left, only ruins implying that something amazing once existed there. The technology was lost and no law could stop the people roaming the now destroyed streets. It was hell on earth. However, in this small post-apocalyptic city, everyone had hope in this person they all called a hero. It was often said that if you cried out for help a hooded person would appear providing you with a chance of survival. It was a strange tale for sure, but the people of the city believed in it and appreciated any help they could get in their world full of nothing but destruction. READ: From left to right UPDATES: Main updates are on Fridays!", false, true], "ApplesandBananas": ["http://applesandbananas.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 3, "Apples and Bananas is a collection of strips about my life, obsessions, friends, family and random crack. Read at your own risk. P.S. Sorry if my english is a bit odd, it's not my native language.", false, true], "Aquasspritehostingplacethingy": ["http://spritehoster.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 116, "I'm just using this comic so I can work on my HTML skills, and avatars (on-site/off-site). people can join and host their sprites/whatever they feel like posting, no major swearing or else your comment will be deleted (no \"dude, what the f*** is that s*** supposed to be?\"). continue and I shall delete ALL your comments. if guests swear too often, I will have no choice but to remove the option for guests commenting.", false, true], "AraAraOiOi": ["http://shizunatsu.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 64, "Fans of Shizuru and Natsuki from the hit anime/manga series, Mai-HiME/Otome, bringing you laughs and fun on a random basis! ^o^ Brought to you by ShizNat Webs, the ultimate Mai-Series community experience: http://shiznat.webs.com/ Webcomic artists: The lovely trio of wetochan, Wuzzupy13 (also known as GoldenSun13) and lostangelvn! Creator of Ara Ara! Oi! Oi!: Luu Sky Sapphire", false, true], "Araybesk": ["http://araybeskcomic.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 58, "\"There is no delight in owning anything unshared.\" In the midst of a second war between those who oppose technology and those who relish in it, a group of men and women are caught in the middle of the fight. mild/moderate gore, nudity, and LGBTQ and body positive themes UPDATES IRREGULAR FOR NOW I will try to update as often as I can! Tumblr: http://araybeskjunk.tumblr.com/", true, true], "ArchportCityChronicles": ["http://tjs.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 183, "Archport City is the interdenominational hub and there are always stories to tell... This first one is what happens when you just have to get that picture... Dissatisfied on what was supposed to be a fun trip it was only a matter of time until adventure lured Joe in. Now a group of discredited bounty hunters with a dangerous target have dragged him along for the ride.. updates T and Thr..", false, true], "Area52": ["http://area52.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 11, "Welcome to Area 52 The first line of duty of Area 52 Agents is to protect the OEI (Original Earth Inhabitants) from humanity. The second line of duty is to protect humanity from the OEI.", true, true], "Area9": ["http://area-9.smackjeeves.com/comics/", 172, "Taishi Iwaska had once dreamed of working in Area 9, a research facility surrounded by a huge wall that finds cures for dangerous viruses. Feeling useless, he has recently given up on his dream, but in a strange turn of events he finds himself trapped in Area 9 as a hostage with a crazy bomber called 'Bomb', who claims to be a terrorist that will blow up Area 9 if they don't give him what he wants. Is there anything Taishi can do before it's too late? Just who is Bomb, and why does he want to destroy Area 9? Taishi will have to overcome his feelings of helplessness if he's going to do anything about it, as well as make a few shocking discoveries along the way. This is a one-shot that has turned into an unusually long one-shot. There will be 3 parts with around 70 pages each. <