title: SmackJeeves/Striped url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_Striped.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/Striped -----------------------------------------

Description'Altan Silvan is a new transfer student at this highschool. And he's already this popular! But there is something weird about him- he always wears a scarf! Hey, wait, maybe he has a flu... WEll, what's more, since he became one of our students, strange things started to happen at this school! Hey... What's with this blood?! Where's everybody?! Hello?!!' Updated irregularly. Edit: This is my first comic ever, so art is changing and improving (at least I think so xD) with each chapter. WARNING: This comic contains nudity, violence, gore, swearing, because that's how life is.
Adult contentyes
Statusok on 23.12.2013
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