<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Man page of DOSAGE</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>DOSAGE</H1> Section: User Commands (1)<BR><A HREF="#index">Index</A> <A HREF="index.html">Return to Main Contents</A><HR> <A NAME="lbAB"> </A> <H2>NAME</H2> dosage - a commandline comic downloader and archiver <A NAME="lbAC"> </A> <H2>SYNOPSIS</H2> <B>dosage</B> [<I>options</I>] <I>module</I>... <A NAME="lbAD"> </A> <H2>DESCRIPTION</H2> <B>dosage</B> is an application designed to keep a local mirror of specific web comics and other picture-based content, such as <I>Picture Of The Day</I> sites, with a variety of options for updating and maintaining collections. <A NAME="lbAE"> </A> <H2>OPTIONS</H2> <DL COMPACT> <DT><B>-b</B> <I>PATH</I>, <B>--basepath=</B><I>PATH</I><DD> Specifies a base path to put comic subdirectories. The default is <B>Comics</B>. <DT><B>--baseurl=</B><I>PATH</I><DD> Specifies the base URL for output events. The default is a local file URI. <DT><B>-a</B>, <B>--all</B><DD> Traverses all available strips backwards from the current one. This can be useful you want a full collection of a new comic strip, or update an existing one where files are missing. Catchups can start at a specific strip by using the index syntax, see the <B>INDEX SYNTAX</B> and <B>SPECIAL SYNTAX</B> sections for more information. This is useful when you missed some days and want only to download the missing files. <DT><B>-c</B>, <B>--continue</B><DD> Same as <B>--all</B>, but stop at the first existing image file. Useful for cron jobs that are not executed every day. <DT><B>-h</B>, <B>--help</B><DD> Output brief help information. <DT><B>-l</B>, <B>--list</B><DD> List available comic modules in multi-column fashion. <DT><B>--singlelist</B><DD> List available comic modules in single-column fashion. <DT><B>-m</B> <I>MODULE</I>, <B>--modulehelp=</B><I>MODULE</I><DD> Output module-specific help for <I>MODULE</I>. <DT><B>-o</B> <I>OUTPUT</I>, <B>--output=</B><I>OUTPUT</I><DD> <I>OUTPUT</I> may be any one of the following: </DL> <P> <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>html </B>- Writes out an HTML file linking to the strips actually downloaded in the current run, named by date (ala dailystrips). The files can be found in the <B>html</B> directory of your <B>Comics</B> directory. </DL> <P> <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>rss </B>- Writes out an RSS feed detailing what strips were downloaded in the last 24 hours. The feed can be found in <B>Comics/dailydose.xml</B>. </DL> <DL COMPACT> <DT><B>-t</B>, <B>--timestamps</B><DD> Print timestamps for all output at any level. <DT><B>-v</B>, <B>--verbose</B><DD> Increase the output level by one with each occurence. <DT><B>-V</B>, <B>--version</B><DD> Display the version number. <I>module</I> At least one valid <I>module</I> must be specified. A list of valid modules can be found by passing the <B>-l</B> option. Multiple <I>module</I> arguments can be specified on the command line. Module names are case insensitive, and it is sufficient to specify a unique substring of the module name. </DL> <A NAME="lbAF"> </A> <H2>INDEX SYNTAX</H2> Instead of starting at the latest comic strip, an index lets dosage start at a certain strip. The index can be specified by appending a colon <B>:</B> and the index name after the module. Multiple comma-spearated indices can also be specified. <P> The index name itself usually is the part of the comic strip URL that identifiess a strip, eg. a number or a date. The expected format is documented when using the <B>--modulehelp</B> option. <A NAME="lbAG"> </A> <H2>SPECIAL SYNTAX</H2> <DL COMPACT> <DT><B>@</B> <DD> This expands to mean all the comics currently in your <B>Comics</B> directory. All other specified comic module names will be ignored. <DT><B>@@</B> <DD> This expands to mean all the comics available to Dosage. </DL> <P> <B>INDEX SYNTAX</B> can not be used with <B>SPECIAL SYNTAX</B>. <A NAME="lbAH"> </A> <H2>EXAMPLES</H2> Retrieve all Mega Tokyo comics: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage -a megatokyo</B> </DL> <P> Retrieve the current comic of Cyanide and Happiness: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage cyanideandhappiness</B> </DL> <P> Retrieve the current strip of all comics in your <B>Comics</B> directory: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage @</B> </DL> <P> Retrieve the current strip of every comic that there is a module for: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage @@</B> </DL> <P> Retrieve the Penny Arcade strip for a given index: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage pennyarcade:2004-07-22</B> </DL> <P> Retrieve Calvin and Hobbes strips from a given index going backwards to the beginning. <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>dosage -a calvinandhobbes:2012/07/22</B> </DL> <P> On Unix, <B><A HREF="../man1/xargs.1.html">xargs</A>(1)</B> can download several comic strips in parallel, for example using up to 4 processes: <DL COMPACT><DT><DD> <B>cd Comics && find . -type d | xargs -n1 -P4 dosage -b . -v</B> </DL> <A NAME="lbAI"> </A> <H2>ENVIRONMENT</H2> <DL COMPACT> <DT>HTTP_PROXY<DD> <B>mainline</B> will use the specified HTTP proxy when downloading URL contents. </DL> <A NAME="lbAJ"> </A> <H2>NOTES</H2> Should retrieval fail on any given strip <B>mainline</B> will attempt to retry. However the retry information is only outputted in the <B>second</B> and successive output levels. <P> At the time of writing, a <B>complete</B> Dosage collection weighs in at around 3.0GB. <A NAME="lbAK"> </A> <H2>RETURN VALUE</H2> The return value greater than zero when <DL COMPACT> <DT>•<DD> a program error occurred. <DT>•<DD> comics could not be found or downloaded <DT>•<DD> the program run was aborted with Ctrl-C </DL> <P> Else the return value is zero. <A NAME="lbAL"> </A> <H2>BUGS</H2> Users can report or view bugs, patches or feature suggestions at <I><A HREF="https://github.com/wummel/dosage/issues">https://github.com/wummel/dosage/issues</A></I> <A NAME="lbAM"> </A> <H2>AUTHORS</H2> Jonathan Jacobs <<A HREF="mailto:korpse@slipgate.za.net">korpse@slipgate.za.net</A>> <BR> Tristan Seligmann <<A HREF="mailto:mithrandi@slipgate.za.net">mithrandi@slipgate.za.net</A>> <BR> Bastian Kleineidam <<A HREF="mailto:bastian.kleineidam@web.de">bastian.kleineidam@web.de</A>> <A NAME="lbAN"> </A> <H2>COPYRIGHT</H2> Copyright © 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs <BR> Copyright © 2012-2013 Bastian Kleineidam <P> <HR> <A NAME="index"> </A><H2>Index</H2> <DL> <DT><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAC">SYNOPSIS</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAD">DESCRIPTION</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAE">OPTIONS</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAF">INDEX SYNTAX</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAG">SPECIAL SYNTAX</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAH">EXAMPLES</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAI">ENVIRONMENT</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAJ">NOTES</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAK">RETURN VALUE</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAL">BUGS</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAM">AUTHORS</A><DD> <DT><A HREF="#lbAN">COPYRIGHT</A><DD> </DL> <HR> This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.<BR> </BODY> </HTML>