# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs import urllib2 import os import locale import rfc822 import time import shutil # XXX why is this done?? locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') from .output import out from .util import urlopen, saneDataSize, normaliseURL from .progress import progressBar, OperationComplete from .events import handler class FetchComicError(IOError): pass class Comic(object): def __init__(self, moduleName, url, referrer=None, filename=None): self.moduleName = moduleName url = normaliseURL(url) out.write('Getting headers for %s...' % (url,), 2) try: self.urlobj = urlopen(url, referrer=referrer) except urllib2.HTTPError, he: raise FetchComicError, ('Unable to retrieve URL.', url, he.code) if self.urlobj.info().getmaintype() != 'image' and \ self.urlobj.info().gettype() not in ('application/octet-stream', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'): raise FetchComicError, ('No suitable image found to retrieve.', url) self.filename, self.ext = os.path.splitext(url.split('/')[-1]) self.filename = filename or self.filename self.filename = self.filename.replace(os.sep, '_') # Always use mime type for file extension if it is sane. if self.urlobj.info().getmaintype() == 'image': self.ext = '.' + self.urlobj.info().getsubtype() self.contentLength = int(self.urlobj.info().get('content-length', 0)) self.lastModified = self.urlobj.info().get('last-modified') out.write('... filename = "%s", ext = "%s", contentLength = %d' % (self.filename, self.ext, self.contentLength), 2) def touch(self, filename): if self.lastModified: tt = rfc822.parsedate(self.lastModified) if tt: mtime = time.mktime(tt) os.utime(filename, (mtime, mtime)) def save(self, basepath, showProgress=False): comicName, comicExt = self.filename, self.ext comicSize = self.contentLength comicDir = os.path.join(basepath, self.moduleName.replace('/', os.sep)) if not os.path.isdir(comicDir): os.makedirs(comicDir) fn = os.path.join(comicDir, '%s%s' % (self.filename, self.ext)) if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.path.getsize(fn) >= comicSize: self.urlobj.close() self.touch(fn) out.write('Skipping existing file "%s".' % (fn,), 1) return fn, False try: tmpFn = os.path.join(comicDir, '__%s%s' % (self.filename, self.ext)) out.write('Writing comic to temporary file %s...' % (tmpFn,), 3) comicOut = file(tmpFn, 'wb') try: startTime = time.time() if showProgress: def pollData(): data = self.urlobj.read(8192) if not data: raise OperationComplete comicOut.write(data) return len(data), self.contentLength progressBar(pollData) else: comicOut.write(self.urlobj.read()) endTime = time.time() finally: comicOut.close() out.write('Copying temporary file (%s) to %s...' % (tmpFn, fn), 3) shutil.copy2(tmpFn, fn) self.touch(fn) size = os.path.getsize(fn) bytes = locale.format('%d', size, True) if endTime != startTime: speed = saneDataSize(size / (endTime - startTime)) else: speed = '???' attrs = dict(fn=fn, bytes=bytes, speed=speed) out.write('Saved "%(fn)s" (%(bytes)s bytes, %(speed)s/sec).' % attrs, 1) handler.comicDownloaded(self.moduleName, fn) self.urlobj.close() finally: try: out.write('Removing temporary file %s...' % (tmpFn,), 3) os.remove(tmpFn) except: pass return fn, True