# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ..helpers import indirectStarter from ..scraper import make_scraper from .common import _WordPressScraper def add(name, url, starter=None): attrs = dict( name=name, url=url ) if starter: attrs['starter'] = starter globals()[name] = make_scraper(name, _WordPressScraper, **attrs) # all comics on HijiNKS ENSUE for (name, starterXPath) in [ ('HijinksEnsue', '//h4[text()="Read The Latest HijiNKS ENSUE"]/..//a'), ('HijinksEnsueClassic', '//h4[text()="Read HijiNKS ENSUE Classic"]/..//a[3]'), ('Faneurysm', '//h4[text()="Read The Latest FANEURYSM"]/..//a'), ('HijinksEnsueConvention', '//h4[text()="Latest Fancy Convention Sketches"]/..//a'), ('HijinksEnsuePhoto', '//h4[text()="Latest Fancy Photo Comic"]/..//a') ]: add(name, 'http://hijinksensue.com/', starter=indirectStarter('http://hijinksensue.com/', starterXPath)) # all comics on flowerlarkstudios for (name, linkNumber) in [ ('Ashes', 1), ('Eryl', 3), # this is a duplicate as it was under this name in previous versions of dosage ('DarkWings', 3), ('Laiyu', 5), ('NoMoreSavePoints', 7), ('EasilyAmused', 9) ]: add(name, 'http://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/', starter=indirectStarter('http://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/', '(//div[@id="sidebar-left"]//a)[' + str(linkNumber) + ']'))