title: SmackJeeves/TheYoshiHerd url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_TheYoshiHerd.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/TheYoshiHerd -----------------------------------------

DescriptionA comic about a young Yoshi, and his efforts to become a hero. To evolve, become something more than he was meant to be; little does he know, more people than he alone depend on this. I swear, it's better than it sounds. Not by a LOT but it IS. The Yoshi Herd. Wish I could say it's updated weekly, but... yeah. DISCLAIMER: While "The Yoshi Herd" itself would be considered somewhere between G and PG, I take no responsibility for any links to other sites or the comments of my readers. I have tried to moderate comments, and it all falls to pieces the instant I interfere. So... keep that in mind, I guess?
Adult contentno
Statusok on 22.05.2013
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