title: SmackJeeves/Lunargyros url: "/comics/SmackJeeves_Lunargyros.html" --- Dosage comic SmackJeeves/Lunargyros -----------------------------------------

DescriptionMoving to a new town with a new school is hard enough. For Kylie Larliath, it just got worse: her ex-boyfriend turns her into a werewolf just before she leaves. Now, faced with this new curse, Kylie struggles with keeping it a secret from her family, a judgmental school population, and only a few new friends to help. Worst of all, she soon finds herself at the center of a centuries-old plot for revenge... Previously featured on Wirepop.com, you can now read all of Lunargyros for free here on Smackjeeves! Print copies are also available for sale! If you're interested, be sure to send an email to lynxoftheg@gmail.com, with the phrase "Lunargyros Print Copy" in the subject line.
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Statusok on 22.05.2013
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