os: linux language: python jobs: include: - python: "3.5" - python: "3.6" - python: "3.7" - python: "3.8" env: "CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=2a411f596959fc32f5d73f3ba7cef8cc4d5733299d742dbfc97fd6c190b9010c" cache: pip git: depth: false dist: xenial before_script: - "curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > cc-test-reporter" - "chmod +x cc-test-reporter" - "if [ -n \"$CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID\" ]; then ./cc-test-reporter before-build; fi" # command to install dependencies install: - pip install -U tox-travis setuptools codecov # command to run tests script: tox after_success: - codecov --file .tox/cov-*.xml - "if [ -n \"$CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID\" ]; then ./cc-test-reporter format-coverage --prefix $PWD/.tox/*/lib/*/site-packages --input-type coverage.py .tox/cov-*.xml; fi" - "if [ -n \"$CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID\" ]; then ./cc-test-reporter upload-coverage; fi" notifications: irc: channels: - "chat.freenode.net#dosage" use_notice: true skip_join: true # Push site to gh-pages branch deploy: - provider: script skip_cleanup: true script: .github/deploy.sh on: branch: master python: 3.8