# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Tobias Gruetzmacher from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import xml.dom.minidom import time from .configuration import App # TODO: Not sure if this RSS output is "valid", should be though. # Might also be nice categorise Comics under one Item class Feed(object): """Write an RSS feed with comic strip images.""" def __init__(self, title, link, description, lang='en-us', encoding="utf-8"): """Initialize RSS writer with given title, link and description.""" self.encoding = encoding self.rss = xml.dom.minidom.Document() root = self.rss.appendChild(self.rss.createElement('rss')) root.setAttribute('version', '2.0') self.channel = root.appendChild(self.rss.createElement('channel')) self.addElement(self.channel, 'title', title) self.addElement(self.channel, 'link', link) self.addElement(self.channel, 'language', lang) self.addElement(self.channel, 'description', description) self.addElement(self.channel, 'generator', App) def addElement(self, parent, tag, value): """Add an RSS item.""" elem = self.rss.createElement(tag) node = self.rss.createTextNode(value) return parent.appendChild(elem).appendChild(node) def addItem(self, title, link, description, date, append=True): """Insert an item.""" item = self.rss.createElement('item') self.addElement(item, 'title', title) self.addElement(item, 'link', link) self.addElement(item, 'description', description) self.addElement(item, 'guid', link) self.addElement(item, 'pubDate', date) if append: self.channel.appendChild(item) else: elems = self.rss.getElementsByTagName('item') if elems: self.channel.insertBefore(item, elems[0]) else: self.channel.appendChild(item) def write(self, path): """Write RSS content to file.""" with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.getXML()) def getXML(self): """Get RSS content in XML format.""" return self.rss.toxml(self.encoding) def parseFeed(filename, yesterday): """Parse an RSS feed and filter only entries that are newer than yesterday.""" dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) def getText(node, tag): node.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0].childNodes[0].data def getNode(tag): dom.getElementsByTagName(tag) content = getNode('channel')[0] # Only one channel node feedTitle = getText(content, 'title') feedLink = getText(content, 'link') feedDesc = getText(content, 'description') feed = Feed(feedTitle, feedLink, feedDesc) for item in getNode('item'): itemDate = time.strptime(getText(item, 'pubDate'), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') if (itemDate > yesterday): # If newer than yesterday feed.addItem(getText(item, 'title'), getText(item, 'link'), getText(item, 'description'), getText(item, 'pubDate')) return feed