Prefer GoComics over Creators since they have a better naming scheme.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 84 additions and 85 deletions
@ -24,56 +24,56 @@ def add(name, path):
# do not edit anything below since these entries are generated from scripts/
# do not edit anything below since these entries are generated from scripts/
add('Agnes', '/comics/agnes')
# duplicate of gocomics add('Agnes', '/comics/agnes')
add('AndyCapp', '/comics/andy-capp')
# duplicate of gocomics add('AndyCapp', '/comics/andy-capp')
add('Archie', '/comics/archie')
add('Archie', '/comics/archie')
add('ArchieinSpanish', '/comics/archie-spanish')
add('ArchieinSpanish', '/comics/archie-spanish')
add('AskShagg', '/comics/ask-shagg')
# duplicate of gocomics add('AskShagg', '/comics/ask-shagg')
add('BC', '/comics/bc')
# duplicate of gocomics add('BC', '/comics/bc')
add('BCinSpanish', '/comics/bc-spanish')
add('BCinSpanish', '/comics/bc-spanish')
add('BallardStreet', '/comics/ballard-street')
# duplicate of gocomics add('BallardStreet', '/comics/ballard-street')
add('CafeconLeche', '/comics/cafe-con-leche')
add('CafeconLeche', '/comics/cafe-con-leche')
add('ChuckleBros', '/comics/chuckle-bros')
# duplicate of gocomics add('ChuckleBros', '/comics/chuckle-bros')
add('DaddysHome', '/comics/daddys-home')
# duplicate of gocomics add('DaddysHome', '/comics/daddys-home')
add('DiamondLil', '/comics/diamond-lil')
# duplicate of gocomics add('DiamondLil', '/comics/diamond-lil')
add('DogEatDoug', '/comics/dog-eat-doug')
# duplicate of gocomics add('DogEatDoug', '/comics/dog-eat-doug')
add('DogsofCKennel', '/comics/dogs-of-c-kennel')
# duplicate of gocomics add('DogsofCKennel', '/comics/dogs-of-c-kennel')
add('DonaldDuck', '/comics/donald-duck')
add('DonaldDuck', '/comics/donald-duck')
add('Flare', '/comics/flare')
add('Flare', '/comics/flare')
add('FlightDeck', '/comics/flight-deck')
add('FlightDeck', '/comics/flight-deck')
add('FloandFriends', '/comics/flo-and-friends')
# duplicate of gocomics add('FloandFriends', '/comics/flo-and-friends')
add('ForHeavensSake', '/comics/for-heavens-sake')
# duplicate of gocomics add('ForHeavensSake', '/comics/for-heavens-sake')
add('FreeRange', '/comics/free-range')
# duplicate of gocomics add('FreeRange', '/comics/free-range')
add('GirlsAndSports', '/comics/girls-and-sports')
add('GirlsAndSports', '/comics/girls-and-sports')
add('GirlsandSportsinSpanish', '/comics/girls-and-sports-spanish')
add('GirlsandSportsinSpanish', '/comics/girls-and-sports-spanish')
add('Heathcliff', '/comics/heathcliff')
# duplicate of gocomics add('Heathcliff', '/comics/heathcliff')
add('HeathcliffinSpanish', '/comics/heathcliff-spanish')
add('HeathcliffinSpanish', '/comics/heathcliff-spanish')
add('HerbandJamaal', '/comics/herb-and-jamaal')
# duplicate of gocomics add('HerbandJamaal', '/comics/herb-and-jamaal')
add('HomeOffice', '/comics/stay-at-home-dad')
add('HomeOffice', '/comics/stay-at-home-dad')
add('HopeAndDeath', '/comics/hope-and-death')
add('HopeAndDeath', '/comics/hope-and-death')
add('LibertyMeadows', '/comics/liberty-meadows')
# duplicate of gocomics add('LibertyMeadows', '/comics/liberty-meadows')
add('LongStoryShort', '/comics/long-story-short')
add('LongStoryShort', '/comics/long-story-short')
add('MickeyMouse', '/comics/mickey-mouse')
add('MickeyMouse', '/comics/mickey-mouse')
add('Momma', '/comics/momma')
# duplicate of gocomics add('Momma', '/comics/momma')
add('NestHeads', '/comics/nest-heads')
# duplicate of gocomics add('NestHeads', '/comics/nest-heads')
add('OffCenter', '/comics/off-center')
add('OffCenter', '/comics/off-center')
add('OnaClaireDay', '/comics/on-a-claire-day')
# duplicate of gocomics add('OnaClaireDay', '/comics/on-a-claire-day')
add('OneBigHappy', '/comics/one-big-happy')
# duplicate of gocomics add('OneBigHappy', '/comics/one-big-happy')
add('Recess', '/comics/recess')
add('Recess', '/comics/recess')
add('Rubes', '/comics/rubes')
# duplicate of gocomics add('Rubes', '/comics/rubes')
add('Rugrats', '/comics/rugrats')
add('Rugrats', '/comics/rugrats')
add('RugratsinSpanish', '/comics/rugrats-spanish')
add('RugratsinSpanish', '/comics/rugrats-spanish')
add('ScaryGary', '/comics/scary-gary')
# duplicate of gocomics add('ScaryGary', '/comics/scary-gary')
add('SpeedBump', '/comics/speed-bump')
# duplicate of gocomics add('SpeedBump', '/comics/speed-bump')
add('StrangeBrew', '/comics/strange-brew')
# duplicate of gocomics add('StrangeBrew', '/comics/strange-brew')
add('TheBarn', '/comics/the-barn')
# duplicate of gocomics add('TheBarn', '/comics/the-barn')
add('TheDinetteSet', '/comics/dinette-set')
# duplicate of gocomics add('TheDinetteSet', '/comics/dinette-set')
add('TheMeaningofLila', '/comics/meaning-of-lila')
# duplicate of gocomics add('TheMeaningofLila', '/comics/meaning-of-lila')
add('TheOtherCoast', '/comics/the-other-coast')
# duplicate of gocomics add('TheOtherCoast', '/comics/the-other-coast')
add('TheQuigmans', '/comics/the-quigmans')
add('TheQuigmans', '/comics/the-quigmans')
add('TheWizardofIdinSpanish', '/comics/wizard-of-id-spanish')
add('TheWizardofIdinSpanish', '/comics/wizard-of-id-spanish')
add('ThinLines', '/comics/thin-lines')
# duplicate of gocomics add('ThinLines', '/comics/thin-lines')
add('WeePals', '/comics/wee-pals')
# duplicate of gocomics add('WeePals', '/comics/wee-pals')
add('WizardofId', '/comics/wizard-of-id')
# duplicate of gocomics add('WizardofId', '/comics/wizard-of-id')
add('WorkingitOut', '/comics/working-it-out')
# duplicate of gocomics add('WorkingitOut', '/comics/working-it-out')
add('ZackHill', '/comics/zack-hill')
# duplicate of gocomics add('ZackHill', '/comics/zack-hill')
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ add('AdmiralSquirt', '/admiral-squirt')
add('AdultChildren', '/adult-children')
add('AdultChildren', '/adult-children')
add('AdventuresofMartyandTurkey', '/marty-and-turkey')
add('AdventuresofMartyandTurkey', '/marty-and-turkey')
add('AgainstTheGrain', '/against-the-grain')
add('AgainstTheGrain', '/against-the-grain')
#add('Agnes', '/agnes')
add('Agnes', '/agnes')
add('AlisonWard', '/alison-ward')
add('AlisonWard', '/alison-ward')
add('AlleyOop', '/alley-oop')
add('AlleyOop', '/alley-oop')
add('AlmostGrounded', '/almost-grounded')
add('AlmostGrounded', '/almost-grounded')
add('AmaZnEvents', '/amaznevents')
add('AmaZnEvents', '/amaznevents')
add('Andertoons', '/andertoons')
add('Andertoons', '/andertoons')
add('Andnow', '/and-now')
add('Andnow', '/and-now')
#add('AndyCapp', '/andycapp')
add('AndyCapp', '/andycapp')
add('Anecdote', '/anecdote')
add('Anecdote', '/anecdote')
add('AngryLittleGirls', '/angry-little-girls')
add('AngryLittleGirls', '/angry-little-girls')
add('AnimalAntics', '/animal-antics')
add('AnimalAntics', '/animal-antics')
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ add('AppleCreekComics', '/apple-creek')
add('ArDuffle', '/arduffle')
add('ArDuffle', '/arduffle')
add('ArloandJanis', '/arloandjanis')
add('ArloandJanis', '/arloandjanis')
add('ArtPOWERS', '/artpowers')
add('ArtPOWERS', '/artpowers')
#add('AskShagg', '/askshagg')
add('AskShagg', '/askshagg')
add('Asymptote', '/asymptote')
add('Asymptote', '/asymptote')
#add('BC', '/bc')
add('BC', '/bc')
add('BERSERKALERT', '/berserk-alert')
add('BERSERKALERT', '/berserk-alert')
add('BUNS', '/buns')
add('BUNS', '/buns')
add('BUSHYTALES', '/bushy-tales')
add('BUSHYTALES', '/bushy-tales')
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ add('BackintheDay', '/backintheday')
add('BadReporter', '/badreporter')
add('BadReporter', '/badreporter')
add('Badlands', '/badlands')
add('Badlands', '/badlands')
add('Baldo', '/baldo')
add('Baldo', '/baldo')
#add('BallardStreet', '/ballardstreet')
add('BallardStreet', '/ballardstreet')
add('BananaTriangle', '/banana-triangle')
add('BananaTriangle', '/banana-triangle')
add('Barefoot', '/barefoot')
add('Barefoot', '/barefoot')
add('BarkeaterLake', '/barkeaterlake')
add('BarkeaterLake', '/barkeaterlake')
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ add('CestlaVie', '/cestlavie')
add('CharmysArmy', '/charmy-s-army')
add('CharmysArmy', '/charmy-s-army')
add('CheapThrillsCuisine', '/cheap-thrills-cuisine')
add('CheapThrillsCuisine', '/cheap-thrills-cuisine')
add('ChubbyGirlComics', '/chubbygirlcomics')
add('ChubbyGirlComics', '/chubbygirlcomics')
#add('ChuckleBros', '/chucklebros')
add('ChuckleBros', '/chucklebros')
add('CircusPeople', '/circus-people')
add('CircusPeople', '/circus-people')
add('CitizenDog', '/citizendog')
add('CitizenDog', '/citizendog')
add('Cleats', '/cleats')
add('Cleats', '/cleats')
@ -157,19 +157,19 @@ add('Crumb', '/crumb')
add('CubienBouncy', '/cubie-n-bouncy')
add('CubienBouncy', '/cubie-n-bouncy')
add('CuldeSac', '/culdesac')
add('CuldeSac', '/culdesac')
add('DRail', '/d-rail')
add('DRail', '/d-rail')
#add('DaddysHome', '/daddyshome')
add('DaddysHome', '/daddyshome')
add('DailyPinky', '/daily-pinky')
add('DailyPinky', '/daily-pinky')
add('DarkSideoftheHorse', '/darksideofthehorse')
add('DarkSideoftheHorse', '/darksideofthehorse')
add('DarkWIndow', '/dark-window')
add('DarkWIndow', '/dark-window')
add('DeepCover', '/deepcover')
add('DeepCover', '/deepcover')
add('DevinCraneComicStripGhostwriter', '/devincranecomicstripghostwriter')
add('DevinCraneComicStripGhostwriter', '/devincranecomicstripghostwriter')
#add('DiamondLil', '/diamondlil')
add('DiamondLil', '/diamondlil')
add('DickTracy', '/dicktracy')
add('DickTracy', '/dicktracy')
add('DilbertClassics', '/dilbert-classics')
add('DilbertClassics', '/dilbert-classics')
add('DitzAbledPrincess', '/ditzabled-princess')
add('DitzAbledPrincess', '/ditzabled-princess')
add('DixieDrive', '/dixie-drive')
add('DixieDrive', '/dixie-drive')
#add('DogEatDoug', '/dogeatdoug')
add('DogEatDoug', '/dogeatdoug')
#add('DogsofCKennel', '/dogsofckennel')
add('DogsofCKennel', '/dogsofckennel')
add('DomesticAbuse', '/domesticabuse')
add('DomesticAbuse', '/domesticabuse')
add('DontPicktheFlowers', '/dont-pick-the-flowers')
add('DontPicktheFlowers', '/dont-pick-the-flowers')
add('DoodleDaysComics', '/doodle-days')
add('DoodleDaysComics', '/doodle-days')
@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ add('FaronSquare', '/faron-square')
add('FatCats', '/fat-cats')
add('FatCats', '/fat-cats')
add('Featherweight', '/featherweight')
add('Featherweight', '/featherweight')
add('FleasonFlick', '/fleasonflick')
add('FleasonFlick', '/fleasonflick')
#add('FloandFriends', '/floandfriends')
add('FloandFriends', '/floandfriends')
add('FoolishMortals', '/foolish-mortals')
add('FoolishMortals', '/foolish-mortals')
add('ForBetterorForWorse', '/forbetterorforworse')
add('ForBetterorForWorse', '/forbetterorforworse')
#add('ForHeavensSake', '/forheavenssake')
add('ForHeavensSake', '/forheavenssake')
add('ForMyOwnGood', '/for-my-own-good')
add('ForMyOwnGood', '/for-my-own-good')
add('FortKnox', '/fortknox')
add('FortKnox', '/fortknox')
add('FoxTrot', '/foxtrot')
add('FoxTrot', '/foxtrot')
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ add('FrankBlunt', '/frankblunt')
add('FrankSonata', '/frank-sonata')
add('FrankSonata', '/frank-sonata')
add('Frazz', '/frazz')
add('Frazz', '/frazz')
add('FredBasset', '/fredbasset')
add('FredBasset', '/fredbasset')
#add('FreeRange', '/freerange')
add('FreeRange', '/freerange')
add('FreshlySqueezed', '/freshlysqueezed')
add('FreshlySqueezed', '/freshlysqueezed')
add('FrizziToons', '/frizzitoons')
add('FrizziToons', '/frizzitoons')
add('FrogApplause', '/frogapplause')
add('FrogApplause', '/frogapplause')
@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ add('HartsPass', '/harts-pass')
add('Hbenson7', '/hbenson7')
add('Hbenson7', '/hbenson7')
add('HealthCapsules', '/healthcapsules')
add('HealthCapsules', '/healthcapsules')
add('HeartoftheCity', '/heartofthecity')
add('HeartoftheCity', '/heartofthecity')
#add('Heathcliff', '/heathcliff')
add('Heathcliff', '/heathcliff')
add('HeavenlyNostrils', '/heavenly-nostrils')
add('HeavenlyNostrils', '/heavenly-nostrils')
#add('HerbandJamaal', '/herbandjamaal')
add('HerbandJamaal', '/herbandjamaal')
add('Herman', '/herman')
add('Herman', '/herman')
add('HistoryBluffs', '/historybluffs')
add('HistoryBluffs', '/historybluffs')
add('HomeandAway', '/homeandaway')
add('HomeandAway', '/homeandaway')
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ add('LastKiss', '/lastkiss')
add('Laughwebcom', '/laughweb-com')
add('Laughwebcom', '/laughweb-com')
add('Leadbellies', '/leadbellies')
add('Leadbellies', '/leadbellies')
add('LegendofBill', '/legendofbill')
add('LegendofBill', '/legendofbill')
#add('LibertyMeadows', '/libertymeadows')
add('LibertyMeadows', '/libertymeadows')
add('LifeafterDeath', '/life-after-death')
add('LifeafterDeath', '/life-after-death')
add('LilAbner', '/lil-abner')
add('LilAbner', '/lil-abner')
add('LilEarlLovestoDRAW', '/lil-earl-loves-to-draw')
add('LilEarlLovestoDRAW', '/lil-earl-loves-to-draw')
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ add('MiscSoup', '/misc-soup')
add('MixedMedications', '/mixedmedications')
add('MixedMedications', '/mixedmedications')
add('ModeratelyConfused', '/moderately-confused')
add('ModeratelyConfused', '/moderately-confused')
add('MollyandtheBear', '/mollyandthebear')
add('MollyandtheBear', '/mollyandthebear')
#add('Momma', '/momma')
add('Momma', '/momma')
add('Monday', '/monday')
add('Monday', '/monday')
add('Monty', '/monty')
add('Monty', '/monty')
add('MortMonday', '/mort-monday')
add('MortMonday', '/mort-monday')
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ add('NavyBean', '/navybean')
add('NeatStep', '/neatstep')
add('NeatStep', '/neatstep')
add('NedAndLarry', '/ned-and-larry')
add('NedAndLarry', '/ned-and-larry')
add('NeighborhoodZone', '/neightborhood-zone')
add('NeighborhoodZone', '/neightborhood-zone')
#add('NestHeads', '/nestheads')
add('NestHeads', '/nestheads')
add('NewAdventuresofQueenVictoria', '/thenewadventuresofqueenvictoria')
add('NewAdventuresofQueenVictoria', '/thenewadventuresofqueenvictoria')
add('NoPlaceLikeHolmes', '/no-place-like-holmes')
add('NoPlaceLikeHolmes', '/no-place-like-holmes')
add('NobodysHome', '/nobodys-home')
add('NobodysHome', '/nobodys-home')
@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ add('OddsandNubs', '/odds-and-nubs')
add('OfftheMark', '/offthemark')
add('OfftheMark', '/offthemark')
add('OldUncleHoracesbookofGreatWisdom', '/old-uncle-horaces-book-of-great-wisdom')
add('OldUncleHoracesbookofGreatWisdom', '/old-uncle-horaces-book-of-great-wisdom')
add('OllieandQuentin', '/ollie-and-quentin')
add('OllieandQuentin', '/ollie-and-quentin')
#add('OnAClaireDay', '/onaclaireday')
add('OnAClaireDay', '/onaclaireday')
#add('OneBigHappy', '/onebighappy')
add('OneBigHappy', '/onebighappy')
add('OntheGrind', '/on-the-grind')
add('OntheGrind', '/on-the-grind')
add('OrangesareFunny', '/oranges-are-funny')
add('OrangesareFunny', '/oranges-are-funny')
add('OrdinaryBill', '/ordinary-bill')
add('OrdinaryBill', '/ordinary-bill')
@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ add('Risible', '/risible')
add('RogersBlues', '/roger-s-blues')
add('RogersBlues', '/roger-s-blues')
add('RogueSymmetry', '/rogue_symmetry')
add('RogueSymmetry', '/rogue_symmetry')
add('RoseisRose', '/roseisrose')
add('RoseisRose', '/roseisrose')
#add('Rubes', '/rubes')
add('Rubes', '/rubes')
add('RudyPark', '/rudypark')
add('RudyPark', '/rudypark')
add('STEPDAD', '/stepdad')
add('STEPDAD', '/stepdad')
add('Sabine', '/sabine')
add('Sabine', '/sabine')
add('SavageChickens', '/savage-chickens')
add('SavageChickens', '/savage-chickens')
#add('ScaryGary', '/scarygary')
add('ScaryGary', '/scarygary')
add('SecondPrize', '/secondprize')
add('SecondPrize', '/secondprize')
add('SherlockUnleashed', '/sherlock-unleashed')
add('SherlockUnleashed', '/sherlock-unleashed')
add('ShirleyandSonClassics', '/shirley-and-son-classics')
add('ShirleyandSonClassics', '/shirley-and-son-classics')
@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ add('SouptoNutz', '/soup-to-nutz')
add('SpaceTimeFunnies', '/spacetimefunnies')
add('SpaceTimeFunnies', '/spacetimefunnies')
add('Spareroom', '/spareroom')
add('Spareroom', '/spareroom')
add('Spectickles', '/spectickles')
add('Spectickles', '/spectickles')
#add('SpeedBump', '/speedbump')
add('SpeedBump', '/speedbump')
add('SportsbyVoort', '/sports-by-voort')
add('SportsbyVoort', '/sports-by-voort')
add('SpottheFrog', '/spot-the-frog')
add('SpottheFrog', '/spot-the-frog')
add('StankoAndTibor', '/stankotibor')
add('StankoAndTibor', '/stankotibor')
add('Starslip', '/starslip')
add('Starslip', '/starslip')
add('StoneSoup', '/stonesoup')
add('StoneSoup', '/stonesoup')
#add('StrangeBrew', '/strangebrew')
add('StrangeBrew', '/strangebrew')
add('StrangerThings', '/stranger-things')
add('StrangerThings', '/stranger-things')
add('SuburbanFairyTales', '/suburban-fairy-tales')
add('SuburbanFairyTales', '/suburban-fairy-tales')
add('SuckerHeadSmack', '/suckerhead-smack')
add('SuckerHeadSmack', '/suckerhead-smack')
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ add('ThatsLife', '/thats-life')
add('TheAcademiaWaltz', '/academiawaltz')
add('TheAcademiaWaltz', '/academiawaltz')
add('TheAngryGamer', '/the-angry-gamer')
add('TheAngryGamer', '/the-angry-gamer')
add('TheArgyleSweater', '/theargylesweater')
add('TheArgyleSweater', '/theargylesweater')
#add('TheBarn', '/thebarn')
add('TheBarn', '/thebarn')
add('TheBellies', '/the-bellies')
add('TheBellies', '/the-bellies')
add('TheBigPicture', '/thebigpicture')
add('TheBigPicture', '/thebigpicture')
add('TheBoobiehatch', '/the-boobiehatch')
add('TheBoobiehatch', '/the-boobiehatch')
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ add('TheBureaucrats', '/bureaucrats')
add('TheCardinal', '/thecardinal')
add('TheCardinal', '/thecardinal')
add('TheCity', '/thecity')
add('TheCity', '/thecity')
add('TheCreeps', '/the-creeps')
add('TheCreeps', '/the-creeps')
#add('TheDinetteSet', '/dinetteset')
add('TheDinetteSet', '/dinetteset')
add('TheDoozies', '/thedoozies')
add('TheDoozies', '/thedoozies')
add('TheDuplex', '/duplex')
add('TheDuplex', '/duplex')
add('TheEdperiment', '/the-edperiment')
add('TheEdperiment', '/the-edperiment')
@ -510,21 +510,21 @@ add('TheLeftyBoscoPictureShow', '/leftyboscopictureshow')
add('TheLightedLab', '/the-lighted-lab')
add('TheLightedLab', '/the-lighted-lab')
add('TheLilMiesters', '/the-lil-miesters')
add('TheLilMiesters', '/the-lil-miesters')
add('TheLostBear', '/the-lost-bear')
add('TheLostBear', '/the-lost-bear')
#add('TheMeaningofLila', '/meaningoflila')
add('TheMeaningofLila', '/meaningoflila')
add('TheMiddletons', '/themiddletons')
add('TheMiddletons', '/themiddletons')
add('TheMightyWonderBrat', '/mighty-wonderbrat')
add('TheMightyWonderBrat', '/mighty-wonderbrat')
add('TheNormClassics', '/thenorm')
add('TheNormClassics', '/thenorm')
add('TheOgre', '/the-ogre')
add('TheOgre', '/the-ogre')
add('TheOldManAndHisDog', '/old-man-and-his-dog')
add('TheOldManAndHisDog', '/old-man-and-his-dog')
add('TheOnesMyWifeLikes', '/the-ones-my-life-likes')
add('TheOnesMyWifeLikes', '/the-ones-my-life-likes')
#add('TheOtherCoast', '/theothercoast')
add('TheOtherCoast', '/theothercoast')
add('TheSingleDadDiaries', '/single-dad-diaries')
add('TheSingleDadDiaries', '/single-dad-diaries')
add('TheSunnySideofKeuka', '/sunny-side-of-keuka')
add('TheSunnySideofKeuka', '/sunny-side-of-keuka')
add('TheSunshineClub', '/the-sunshine-club')
add('TheSunshineClub', '/the-sunshine-club')
add('TheVernalPool', '/vernal-pool')
add('TheVernalPool', '/vernal-pool')
add('TheWagesofSin', '/wages-of-sin')
add('TheWagesofSin', '/wages-of-sin')
add('ThereisStrangenessintheUniverse', '/there-is-strangeness-in-the-universe')
add('ThereisStrangenessintheUniverse', '/there-is-strangeness-in-the-universe')
#add('ThinLines', '/thinlines')
add('ThinLines', '/thinlines')
add('ThrompTM', '/thromp')
add('ThrompTM', '/thromp')
add('TinySepuku', '/tinysepuku')
add('TinySepuku', '/tinysepuku')
add('TodaysDogg', '/todays-dogg')
add('TodaysDogg', '/todays-dogg')
@ -545,16 +545,16 @@ add('Vernscartoons', '/vernscartoons')
add('ViiviAndWagner', '/viivi-and-wagner')
add('ViiviAndWagner', '/viivi-and-wagner')
add('WTDuck', '/wtduck')
add('WTDuck', '/wtduck')
add('WatchYourHead', '/watchyourhead')
add('WatchYourHead', '/watchyourhead')
#add('WeePals', '/weepals')
add('WeePals', '/weepals')
add('WendlesLife', '/wendleslife')
add('WendlesLife', '/wendleslife')
add('WhiskeyFalls', '/whiskey-falls')
add('WhiskeyFalls', '/whiskey-falls')
add('WhosOnDeck', '/whos-on-deck')
add('WhosOnDeck', '/whos-on-deck')
add('Windsock', '/windsock')
add('Windsock', '/windsock')
#add('WizardofId', '/wizardofid')
add('WizardofId', '/wizardofid')
add('WorkingDaze', '/working-daze')
add('WorkingDaze', '/working-daze')
#add('WorkingItOut', '/workingitout')
add('WorkingItOut', '/workingitout')
add('Wrobbertcartoons', '/wrobbertcartoons')
add('Wrobbertcartoons', '/wrobbertcartoons')
#add('ZackHill', '/zackhill')
add('ZackHill', '/zackhill')
add('ZhoodBahzvoi', '/zhood-bahzvoi')
add('ZhoodBahzvoi', '/zhood-bahzvoi')
add('Ziggy', '/ziggy')
add('Ziggy', '/ziggy')
add('ZonnosPeople', '/zonno-s-people')
add('ZonnosPeople', '/zonno-s-people')
@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ add('4Ply', '', u'Four teens who have been f
add('4plyKamalsHead', '', u"See what goes on in Kamal's head with his adventures and his memories of when him and the other members of 4-ply were kids.", False, True)
add('4plyKamalsHead', '', u"See what goes on in Kamal's head with his adventures and his memories of when him and the other members of 4-ply were kids.", False, True)
add('60SecondComics', '', u'Every episode is completed within 60 seconds... and it even updates sometimes!', False, True)
add('60SecondComics', '', u'Every episode is completed within 60 seconds... and it even updates sometimes!', False, True)
add('9ChancesforLove', '', u'Finding the right person to love is quite a challenge. Approaching the person you love is an even bigger challenge. But the biggest challenge of them all is to keep that person by your side. When two strangers meet, they can decide to become friends, leave the other to be or become enemies, but what if they happen to share something, something they cannot control and not even really are aware of? (My English is not so good, if you find mistakes it would be great if you could point them out. :) Thank you!) (WARNING: 13/15+ BL)', False, True)
add('9ChancesforLove', '', u'Finding the right person to love is quite a challenge. Approaching the person you love is an even bigger challenge. But the biggest challenge of them all is to keep that person by your side. When two strangers meet, they can decide to become friends, leave the other to be or become enemies, but what if they happen to share something, something they cannot control and not even really are aware of? (My English is not so good, if you find mistakes it would be great if you could point them out. :) Thank you!) (WARNING: 13/15+ BL)', False, True)
add('9Lives', '', u"After Connie's family inherits her great uncle Thomas' estate, they move to Dolores, Colorado. The estate is fully staffed, cared for by a mysterious, aloof Estate Manager named Simon Wolfe, and comes with an array of unique, frequently visiting relatives, some of which aren't very friendly. Coping with the move might be a bit harder than expected - especially when Connie inadvertantly discovers exactly why Simon is so aloof!", False, True)
add('AChronicleofQuests', '', u'A Chronicle Of Quests is the story of a warrior. Heroic Guy may not be the best, or even close to good. But his destiny is un-escapeable. It is after all what he was made for.', False, True)
add('AChronicleofQuests', '', u'A Chronicle Of Quests is the story of a warrior. Heroic Guy may not be the best, or even close to good. But his destiny is un-escapeable. It is after all what he was made for.', False, True)
add('ADayOut', '', u'Lizzy is an average soccer playing teen with issues. After distancing from a childhood friend, she must find out what kind of a person she really is, and along the way, discover true potential as a soccer Champion!', False, True)
add('ADayOut', '', u'Lizzy is an average soccer playing teen with issues. After distancing from a childhood friend, she must find out what kind of a person she really is, and along the way, discover true potential as a soccer Champion!', False, True)
add('AGirlAndHerShadow', '', u"There's something under the little girl's bed. It likes to play hide-and-seek and it's always hungry. It's also her best friend.", False, True)
add('AGirlAndHerShadow', '', u"There's something under the little girl's bed. It likes to play hide-and-seek and it's always hungry. It's also her best friend.", False, True)
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ add('ByTheBook', '', u"After stumbling a
add('CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3', '', u'Crack RP comic that takes place in a Hotel... Pretty much anyone can join/co author!:D Read the description on Page 1 to learn more! JOIN before all positions are taken, and there is only a few left. :D Please be creative when making your characters and have fun!<3 C: Message me with any questions, ~Skittymitty', False, True)
add('CRACKRPCOMICJOINNOW3', '', u'Crack RP comic that takes place in a Hotel... Pretty much anyone can join/co author!:D Read the description on Page 1 to learn more! JOIN before all positions are taken, and there is only a few left. :D Please be creative when making your characters and have fun!<3 C: Message me with any questions, ~Skittymitty', False, True)
add('CafeSuada', '', u"Down by the riverside there is a quaint little teahouse run by our heroine, Geraldine, who's only desire is to spread her love of the golden beverage - But what's going to happen to her business when a new coffee house springs up right next door?! And what is the meaning of Cafe Suada? Guess you'd better read and find out, huh?", False, True)
add('CafeSuada', '', u"Down by the riverside there is a quaint little teahouse run by our heroine, Geraldine, who's only desire is to spread her love of the golden beverage - But what's going to happen to her business when a new coffee house springs up right next door?! And what is the meaning of Cafe Suada? Guess you'd better read and find out, huh?", False, True)
add('CaptiveSoul', '', u'A BL Pirate manga! :P Sai works on the ship "The Liberty", he was taken in at a young age after his town was burned down and he lost his family. The event was traumatizing and Sai lost his ability to speak. He has sworn to hunt down the pirates that destroyed his home and bring them to justice(however that seems a long ways away) However, recently the captain of the ship, Kuragi, has taken an interest in Sai! Will Kuragi\'s advances distract Sai from his goal to avenge his family? A stormy relationship ahead! Will update every tuesday :P', False, True)
add('CaptiveSoul', '', u'A BL Pirate manga! :P Sai works on the ship "The Liberty", he was taken in at a young age after his town was burned down and he lost his family. The event was traumatizing and Sai lost his ability to speak. He has sworn to hunt down the pirates that destroyed his home and bring them to justice(however that seems a long ways away) However, recently the captain of the ship, Kuragi, has taken an interest in Sai! Will Kuragi\'s advances distract Sai from his goal to avenge his family? A stormy relationship ahead! Will update every tuesday :P', False, True)
add('Carciphona', '', u'In an era where magic is forbidden, a sorceress struggles to restore her once peaceful life.', False, True)
#add('Carciphona', '', u'In an era where magic is forbidden, a sorceress struggles to restore her once peaceful life.', False, True)
add('CarrotandRoper', '', u'This comic follows the strange and unusual encounters of Carrot (an appropriately named carrot) and Roper (a potato) along with a slew of other odd characters. Updates sporadically.', False, True)
add('CarrotandRoper', '', u'This comic follows the strange and unusual encounters of Carrot (an appropriately named carrot) and Roper (a potato) along with a slew of other odd characters. Updates sporadically.', False, True)
add('Catnip', '', u'Ikita is a young and impressionable noble, who has been bound to a young lady by arranged marraige. Felix is his hired bodyguard; a quick witted and reliable one at that - but who has more to his past than he would like to reveal. As Felix follows Ikita as his bodyguard, they start to have mixed feelings about their positions, and where the future may lead... Based in an 19th centrury-esque alternate history, this tale consists of friendship, compassion, love and regret.', True, True)
add('Catnip', '', u'Ikita is a young and impressionable noble, who has been bound to a young lady by arranged marraige. Felix is his hired bodyguard; a quick witted and reliable one at that - but who has more to his past than he would like to reveal. As Felix follows Ikita as his bodyguard, they start to have mixed feelings about their positions, and where the future may lead... Based in an 19th centrury-esque alternate history, this tale consists of friendship, compassion, love and regret.', True, True)
add('Cement', '', u"We are a legion of awesomeness, bro! >:{C -------------------------------- Welcome to Cement! A boredom webcomic to discuss/review ideas, movies, fanfiction, and other stuff/shit. We also have: - A sprite showcase, - Some tutorials, - Dreams that make sense, - Debates that make no sense, - Lotsa shitty shit bullshit, - Crack, - Heli-kun~ :3 - Anus - Hentai - Steak - Swagga - What Pumpkin - Overall Trash And much more... Feel free to apply as author if you'd like! (no wait, don't) Gooby plz. I'm touching the description! Hurrdurr! :B Thank you for still reading. Now.. have a nice day and go HoNk yourself. I touched it again - silentdusk c: Heil Helitler. Calm down Stalin' *shoots helitler in da face* :D Now go back to the top and re-read the description. HoNk hOnK Go dunk your head in a bucket, Gamzee - you sexy piece of shit, you. No one cares this desc motherfucking exists anyway. :o( gun in your face big disgrace, kicking your ass all over my place.~ Royle McCulloch Play with the description they said. It fun they said. And it was Posers. I was messing with the description before it became cool! >:I", False, True)
add('Cement', '', u"We are a legion of awesomeness, bro! >:{C -------------------------------- Welcome to Cement! A boredom webcomic to discuss/review ideas, movies, fanfiction, and other stuff/shit. We also have: - A sprite showcase, - Some tutorials, - Dreams that make sense, - Debates that make no sense, - Lotsa shitty shit bullshit, - Crack, - Heli-kun~ :3 - Anus - Hentai - Steak - Swagga - What Pumpkin - Overall Trash And much more... Feel free to apply as author if you'd like! (no wait, don't) Gooby plz. I'm touching the description! Hurrdurr! :B Thank you for still reading. Now.. have a nice day and go HoNk yourself. I touched it again - silentdusk c: Heil Helitler. Calm down Stalin' *shoots helitler in da face* :D Now go back to the top and re-read the description. HoNk hOnK Go dunk your head in a bucket, Gamzee - you sexy piece of shit, you. No one cares this desc motherfucking exists anyway. :o( gun in your face big disgrace, kicking your ass all over my place.~ Royle McCulloch Play with the description they said. It fun they said. And it was Posers. I was messing with the description before it became cool! >:I", False, True)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import os
import requests
import requests
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
from dosagelib.util import getPageContent, asciify, unescape, tagre
from dosagelib.util import getPageContent, asciify, unescape, tagre
from dosagelib.scraper import get_scraperclasses
from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, capfirst, save_result, load_result, truncate_name
from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, capfirst, save_result, load_result, truncate_name
json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json")
json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json")
@ -51,12 +52,26 @@ def get_results():
save_result(res, json_file)
save_result(res, json_file)
def has_gocomics_comic(name):
"""Test if comic name already exists."""
cname = "Gocomics/%s" % name
for scraperclass in get_scraperclasses():
lname = scraperclass.getName().lower()
if lname == cname.lower():
return True
return False
def print_results(args):
def print_results(args):
"""Print comics."""
"""Print comics."""
for name, url in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()):
for name, url in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()):
if name in exclude_comics:
if name in exclude_comics:
print("add(%r, %r)" % (str(truncate_name(name)), str(url)))
if has_gocomics_comic(name):
prefix = '# duplicate of gocomics '
prefix = ''
print("%sadd(%r, %r)" % (prefix, str(truncate_name(name)), str(url)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import os
import requests
import requests
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
from dosagelib.util import tagre, getPageContent, asciify, unescape
from dosagelib.util import tagre, getPageContent, asciify, unescape
from dosagelib.scraper import get_scraperclasses
from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, capfirst, save_result, load_result, truncate_name
from scriptutil import contains_case_insensitive, capfirst, save_result, load_result, truncate_name
json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json")
json_file = __file__.replace(".py", ".json")
@ -91,26 +90,12 @@ def get_results():
save_result(res, json_file)
save_result(res, json_file)
def has_creators_comic(name):
"""Test if comic name already exists."""
cname = "Creators/%s" % name
for scraperclass in get_scraperclasses():
lname = scraperclass.getName().lower()
if lname == cname.lower():
return True
return False
def print_results(args):
def print_results(args):
"""Print all comics that have at least the given number of minimum comic strips."""
"""Print all comics that have at least the given number of minimum comic strips."""
for name, shortname in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()):
for name, shortname in sorted(load_result(json_file).items()):
if name in exclude_comics:
if name in exclude_comics:
if has_creators_comic(name):
print("add(%r, %r)" % (str(truncate_name(name)), str(shortname)))
prefix = '#'
prefix = ''
print("%sadd(%r, %r)" % (prefix, str(truncate_name(name)), str(shortname)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
Add table
Reference in a new issue