diff --git a/doc/dosage.1 b/doc/dosage.1
index 7031ab066..4ee6afbb2 100644
--- a/doc/dosage.1
+++ b/doc/dosage.1
@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@ Writes an RSS feed with all of the strips downloaded during the run, for use
with your favourite RSS aggregator.
-.BR \-p ", " \-\^\-progress
-Display a progress bar while downloading comics.
.BR \-t ", " \-\^\-timestamps
Print timestamps for all output at any level.
diff --git a/doc/dosage.1.html b/doc/dosage.1.html
index b81e22e03..007ce7a70 100644
--- a/doc/dosage.1.html
+++ b/doc/dosage.1.html
@@ -113,10 +113,6 @@ with your favourite RSS aggregator.
-- -p, --progress
-Display a progress bar while downloading comics.
- -t, --timestamps
diff --git a/dosagelib/progress.py b/dosagelib/progress.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d068380ca..000000000
--- a/dosagelib/progress.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
-from __future__ import division
-import sys
-import time
-from . import util
-class Guess(object):
- def __init__(self, weight):
- self.weight = weight
- self.guess = 0
- self.best = 0
- def feed(self, value):
- self.guess = self.weight * value + (1 - self.weight) * self.guess
- def distance(self, value):
- return (self.guess - value) ** 2
-class FortuneTeller(object):
- weights = (0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
- def __init__(self):
- self.guesses = map(Guess, self.weights)
- def feed(self, value):
- best = min([(guess.distance(value), guess) for guess in self.guesses])[1]
- best.best += 1
- for guess in self.guesses:
- guess.feed(value)
- def predict(self):
- return max([(guess.best, guess) for guess in self.guesses])[1].guess
-class OperationComplete(Exception):
- pass
-def drawBar(fill, total, caption):
- screenWidth = util.getWindowSize()
- ratio = fill / total
- mask = '[%%s>%%s] (%.2f%%%%) %s' % (ratio * 100, caption)
- barWidth = screenWidth - len(mask) + 6
- fillWidth = int(barWidth * ratio) - 1
- emptyWidth = barWidth - fillWidth - 1
- sys.stdout.write('\r')
- sys.stdout.write(mask % ('=' * fillWidth, '-' * emptyWidth))
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def drawBounceBar(pos, caption):
- screenWidth = util.getWindowSize()
- mask = '[%%s<=>%%s] %s' % (caption,)
- barWidth = screenWidth - len(mask) + 4
- leftWidth = pos % barWidth - 1
- rightWidth = barWidth - leftWidth - 1
- sys.stdout.write('\r')
- sys.stdout.write(mask % (' ' * leftWidth, ' ' * rightWidth))
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def progressBar(fn):
- completed = bps = 0
- count = 0
- ft = FortuneTeller()
- currentTime = lastTime = time.time()
- try:
- while 1:
- inc = 0
- while currentTime - lastTime < 0.2:
- progress, total = fn()
- inc += progress
- currentTime = time.time()
- ft.feed(inc / (currentTime - lastTime))
- lastTime = currentTime
- completed += inc
- bps = ft.predict()
- if total == 0:
- drawBounceBar(count, '%s/sec' % util.saneDataSize(bps))
- count += 1
- else:
- drawBar(completed, max(total, completed), '%s/sec' % util.saneDataSize(bps))
- except OperationComplete:
- if count > 0:
- drawBounceBar(count, '%s/sec' % util.saneDataSize(bps))
- else:
- drawBar(max(total, completed), max(total, completed), '%s/sec' % util.saneDataSize(bps))
- print ''