<th>Description</th><td><textareaname="description"cols="40"rows="3">This a a showcase in which any spriter can join. Here you can post: Sprites Pixel art Character bios Cool effects Short comics Memes Ads And More! So Join TODAY!! And now, for some quotes from the authors: Smash: sprite! Pocket_Ninja : ......WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?! Luxbot: EFFECTS IS A NECESSITY FOR ME. :< CamTro: No effects for me to sprite and speak as in same time! ~à²_à²~ Sspeedo th: I try to sprite but effects and comics work betta under the microscope. Drago: Spritin epic style. A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAAA- *shot*</textarea></td>