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2012-06-20 19:58:13 +00:00
import re
from .util import fetchUrl, fetchManyUrls, getQueryParams
from .comic import Comic
class _BasicScraper(object):
'''Base class with scrape functions for comics.
@type latestUrl: C{string}
@cvar latestUrl: The URL for the latest comic strip.
@type imageUrl: C{string}
@cvar imageUrl: A string that is interpolated with the strip index
to yield the URL for a particular strip.
@type imageSearch: C{regex}
@cvar imageSearch: A compiled regex that will locate the strip image URL
when applied to the strip page.
@type prevSearch: C{regex}
@cvar prevSearch: A compiled regex that will locate the URL for the
previous strip when applied to a strip page.
referrer = None
help = 'Sorry, no help for this comic yet.'
def __init__(self):
self.currentUrl = None
self.urls = set()
def getReferrer(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
return self.referrer or pageUrl or self.getLatestUrl()
def getComic(self, url, pageUrl):
if not url:
return None
return Comic(self.get_name(), url, filename=self.getFilename(url, pageUrl), referrer=self.getReferrer(url, pageUrl))
def getCurrentComics(self):
self.currentUrl = self.getLatestUrl()
comics = self.getNextComics()
if not comics:
raise ValueError("Could not find current comic.")
return comics
def getNextComics(self):
comics = []
while not comics and self.currentUrl and self.currentUrl not in self.urls:
comicUrlGroups, prevUrl = fetchManyUrls(self.currentUrl, [self.imageSearch, self.prevSearch])
if prevUrl:
prevUrl = prevUrl[0]
prevUrl = None
for comicUrl in comicUrlGroups:
comics.append(self.getComic(comicUrl, self.currentUrl))
self.currentUrl = (prevUrl, None)[prevUrl in self.urls]
return comics
def setStrip(self, index):
self.currentUrl = self.imageUrl % index
def getHelp(self):
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate through the strips, starting from the current one and going backward."""
if not self.currentUrl:
self.currentUrl = self.getLatestUrl()
comics = True
while comics:
comics = self.getNextComics()
if comics:
yield comics
def get_name(cls):
if hasattr(cls, 'name'):
return cls.__name__
def starter(cls):
return cls.latestUrl
def namer(cls, imageUrl, pageUrl):
return None
def getFilename(self, imageUrl, pageUrl):
return self.namer(imageUrl, pageUrl)
def getLatestUrl(self):
return self.starter()
def queryNamer(paramName, usePageUrl=False):
def _namer(imageUrl, pageUrl):
url = (imageUrl, pageUrl)[usePageUrl]
return getQueryParams(url)[paramName][0]
return _namer
def regexNamer(regex):
def _namer(imageUrl, pageUrl):
return _namer
def constStarter(latestUrl):
def _starter():
return latestUrl
return _starter
def bounceStarter(latestUrl, nextSearch):
def _starter(cls):
url = fetchUrl(latestUrl, cls.prevSearch)
if url:
url = fetchUrl(url, nextSearch)
return url
return _starter
def indirectStarter(baseUrl, latestSearch):
def _starter():
return fetchUrl(baseUrl, latestSearch)
return _starter
class IndirectLatestMixin(object):
Mixin for comics that link to the latest comic from a base page of
some kind. This also supports comics which don't link to the last comic
from the base page, but the beginning of the latest chapter or similiar
schemes. It simulates going forward until it can't find a 'next' link as
specified by the 'nextSearch' regex.
@type baseUrl: C{string}
@cvar baseUrl: the URL where the link to the latest comic is found.
@type latestSearch C{regex}
@cvar latestSearch: a compiled regex for finding the 'latest' URL.
@type nextSearch C{regex}
@cvar nextSearch: a compiled regex for finding the 'next' URL.
__latestUrl = None
def getLatestUrl(self):
if not self.__latestUrl:
self.__latestUrl = fetchUrl(self.baseUrl, self.latestSearch)
if hasattr(self, "nextSearch"):
nextUrl = fetchUrl(self.__latestUrl, self.nextSearch)
while nextUrl:
self.__latestUrl = nextUrl
nextUrl = fetchUrl(self.__latestUrl, self.nextSearch)
return self.__latestUrl
latestUrl = property(getLatestUrl)
class _PHPScraper(_BasicScraper):
I implement IScraper for comics using phpComic/CUSP.
This provides an easy way to define scrapers for webcomics using phpComic.
imageUrl = property(lambda self: self.basePath + 'daily.php?date=%s')
imageSearch = property(lambda self: re.compile(r'<img alt=[^>]+ src="(%scomics/\d{6}\..+?)">' % (self.basePath,)))
help = 'Index format: yymmdd'
def starter(cls):
return cls.basePath + cls.latestUrl