
320 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Tristan Seligmann and Jonathan Jacobs
2012-06-20 21:58:13 +02:00
from re import compile
2012-10-11 12:03:12 +02:00
from ..scraper import _BasicScraper
2012-06-20 21:58:13 +02:00
class BadlyDrawnKitties(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(/new/.+?)">')
prevSearch = compile(r'"(/new/.+?)".+?previous.gif')
help = 'Index format: n (unpadded)'
class Bardsworth(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'(strips/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'"(http.+?)".+?/prev')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class BetterDays(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src=(/betterdays/comic/.+?)>')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(.+)">&laquo; Previous')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/<your guess>.html'
class BetterYouThanMe(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'"(comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'"(archive.php\?date=.+?)">.+?previous')
help = 'Index format: yyyymmdd'
class BiggerThanCheeses(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'src="(comics/.+?)" alt')
prevSearch = compile(r'"(index.php\?comic=.+?)".+?_back')
help = 'Index format: n (unpadded)'
class BizarreUprising(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(comic/[^"]+)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(view/\d+/[^"]+)"><img src="images/b_prev\.gif"')
help = 'Index format: n/name'
class Blip(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'(istrip_files/strips/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'First.+?"(index.php\?strip_id=.+?)".+?prev')
help = 'Index format: n'
class BlueCrashKit(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'(/cheese/files/comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'(/cheese/node/.+?)".+?previous')
help = 'Index format: non'
class BMovieComic(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'"(comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'(\?cid=.+?)".+?Prev')
help = 'Index format: n'
### With BratHalla there is no 'previous' link at comic 360
### You will need to use
### mainline -c BratHalla:360-backup-dad-unstable-plans/
### to get earlier comics
class BratHalla(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r"(/comics/.+?)' target='_blank")
prevSearch = compile(r'headernav2".+?"(http.+?)"')
help = 'Index format: non'
class Brink(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'/(comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'previous.+?/brink/(.+?)".+?Previous')
help = 'Index format: non'
class BonoboConspiracy(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<P.+?<IMG SRC="(.+?)" ALT')
prevSearch = compile(r'ansuz.+?/(\?i=.+?)".+?Previous')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class BoredAndEvil(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(strips/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'First Comic.+<a href="(.+?)".+previous-on.gif')
help = 'Index format: yyyy-mm-dd'
class BoyOnAStickAndSlither(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'"(boasas/\d+\..+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(.+?)"><img src="images/left_20.png"')
help = 'Index format: n (unpadded)'
class ButternutSquash(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(">(<span class="prev">&#9668;|&#8656; Previous</a>)')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/strip-name-author-name'
class Bhag(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'/(comics/.+?)">')
prevSearch = compile(r'first.+?/(daily.php\?date=.+?)".+?previous')
help = 'Index format: yymmdd'
def blankLabel(name, baseUrl):
return type('BlankLabel_%s' % name,
name='BlankLabel/' + name,
help='Index format: yyyymmdd')
checkerboardNightmare = blankLabel('CheckerboardNightmare', '')
courtingDisaster = blankLabel('CourtingDisaster', '')
evilInc = blankLabel('EvilInc', '')
greystoneInn = blankLabel('GreystoneInn', '')
itsWalky = blankLabel('ItsWalky', '')
# one strip name starts with %20
#krazyLarry = blankLabel('KrazyLarry', '')
melonpool = blankLabel('Melonpool', '')
# strip names = index.php
#realLife = blankLabel('RealLife', '')
schlockMercenary = blankLabel('SchlockMercenary', '')
# hosted on ComicsDotCom
#sheldon = blankLabel('Sheldon', '')
shortpacked = blankLabel('Shortpacked', '')
starslipCrisis = blankLabel('StarslipCrisis', '')
uglyHill = blankLabel('UglyHill', '')
class BeePower(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'src="(/comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'(\d+\.html)"><img[^>]+?src="/images/previous_day.png"')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd'
class Bellen(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="([^"]+)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(.+?)"><span class="prev">')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class BlankIt(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="([^"]+)" rel="prev">')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/name'
class BobWhite(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'src="(/comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'"><a href="(.+?)"[^>]+?><img[^>]+?src="/images/prev.jpg">')
help = 'Index format: yyyymmdd'
class BigFatWhale(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(archives/bfw_.+?|bfw_.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r' HREF="(.+?)" TARGET="_top" TITLE="Previous Cartoon"')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class BadassMuthas(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(/images/comicsissue.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(.+?)"><img src="/images/comicsbuttonBack.gif" ')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class Boozeathon4Billion(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(.+?)"[^>]+?>Previous</a>')
help = 'Index format: (sometimes chapternumber/)-yyyy-mm-dd/stripname'
class BrightlyWound(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src=\'(comic/.+?)\'')
prevSearch = compile(r'<div id=\'navback\'><a href=\'(\?comic\=\d+)\'><img src=\'images/previous.png\'')
help = 'Index format: nnn'
class BlueCrashKit(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<li class="previous"><a href="(.+?)">')
help = 'Index format: yyyy-mm-dd'
class BloodBound(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r' src="(/comics/.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r' <a href="(/d/.+?)"><img[^>]+?src="/images/previous_day.jpg"')
help = 'Index format: yyyymmdd'
class BookOfBiff(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(">&#9668; Previous</a>')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/stripnum-strip-name'
class BillyTheDunce(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<div class="nav-previous"><a href="([^"]+)" rel="prev">')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/strip-name'
class BackwaterPlanet(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(/images/comic/bwp.+?)">')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(/archive/bwp.+?)"><img src="(images/Previous.jpg|/images/Previous.jpg)"')
help = 'Index format: yymmdd'
class Baroquen(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="("')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(" rel="prev">')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/strip-name'
class BetweenFailures(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src=\'(\'>')
prevSearch = compile(r'<a href="(">&laquo; Previous</a>')
help = 'Index format: yyyy/mm/dd/stripnum-strip-name'
class BillyTheBeaker(_BasicScraper):
latestUrl = ''
imageUrl = ''
imageSearch = compile(r'<img src="(bub\d+_\d+.+?)"')
prevSearch = compile(r' <a href="(index.php\?strip\=.+?)" title="Previous strip">')
help = 'Index format: nnn'