# Catppuccin Themes for Gitea This is a simple port of the [Codeberg user theme](https://github.com/catppuccin/codeberg/blob/main/catppuccin.user.css) suitable for setting up in your own [Gitea](gitea.com/) instance. The only major change from the original source was the use of CSS variables and having a base file that the four themes. To use, change your Gitea configuration [looks](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/customizing-gitea/#customizing-the-look-of-gitea), add the following values to the Gitea configuration. ``` THEMES="catppuccin-frappe,catppuccin-latte,catppuccin-macchiato,catppuccin-mocha" DEFAULT_THEME="catppuccin-mocha" ```