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D. Moonfire 2022-04-13 20:55:31 -05:00
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# Exit Planning
> They say death and taxes are the only things that are inevitable. The truth is, you can not pay your taxes. I've done it, and there's consequences, but it can be done. Death you're not going to get out of, and you kind of got to deal with it.
> --- Steve Earle
It isn't a question if you are going to die, it is a matter of what you leave behind. This repository talks about planning for that end to ensure that

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- [ ] Backups
- [ ] Trusted Individuals
- [ ] First Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year

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# Documentation
For us, the biggest driver for these plans is compassion. We know we leave people behind and, in most cases, they will not be prepared for us to be gone. Too easily, we can imagine they are sitting with a box in the middle of the kitchen floor, sobbing as they struggle to hold together their lives and deal with grief.
The plan is to help them through this. This means not assuming they know your passwords or know where to find the bank accounts. If they can't find it, they may lose something important or not realizing there is something they need.
This leads us to the first tenant:
> If it isn't written down, it doesn't exist.
Documentation is critical to plan. The more that can be laid out, the better. However, you need to also realize they don't have your skills. Leaving documentation that says "use my SSH key to log into my website and then go to ~/docs/start.md" isn't going to help someone who doesn't know what SSH is.
So a basic plan is just lists and directions. They can be dry but make them as detailed as reasonable. Pictures of screens might be helpful here, if you think it is complicated, but if that is too much, just go with pertinent information.
This information also changes over time, so in our [file](./file.md), we use a blank sheet of 8x11" paper (or A5 like I prefer but can't use) for each one. This allows us to easily rewrite a page that has changed without rewriting an entire page. Or just cross out the old information and add new stuff to the page. We put the title in the upper left and a date in the upper right. The date helps with reviewing and the title makes it easier to page through a stack of pages to find the information that is needed.
## Clarity
You also have to be honest about your handwriting here. If people regularly tell you that they can't tell your lettering from the random scribbles of a two year old, you should probably type everything up.
My cursive is horrible, but I have a decent block print. So my documentation is mostly hand-written, but I also make sure I can read it every time I [review](./review.md) the file.
## Assumptions
The important part is to not assume skill. Don't say "BitWarden" and a password. Let them know what it is:
> To get to the list of all passwords and credit cards, go into BitWarden on my phone or at https://bitwarden.com/. The user name is XXX and the password is YYY. If you have my phone, you can use Ageis to get the verification key, otherwise this is a list of one-time passwords. If you use this, change the password immediately to something secure.
Remember, you don't know who is going to be in the file. You don't know if they are [trusted](./trust.md) or not. It may not be your partner, but it might be your parents or one of your children. You can't assume knowledge, only that someone is trying to prevent your old life from falling apart. So, assume they know nothing.
In the above example, I cross out the password and write the new one and a date below it. And then again and again until I run out of paper. Then I rewrite it and destroy the old one.
The above example is probably a [first day](./time.md) item. Put it right at the beginning. Don't worry about empty space, as the years go by, it will cease to be white.
## Useful Information
- [Password Vaults](./passwords.md)
- [Bank Accounts](./financial.md)
The first should always be how to get into your [password safe](./passwords.md). This should have the user name and password and the one time recovery phases. Th
- List all the bank accounts. This should include websites and logins to get them, the answers to the security questions, and any PIN numbers for the cards.
- All the bank accounts, the website and logins to get them, and any PIN numbers.
- A list of family members and their current relationship.
- The user name and passwords other websites.
- The VIN for cars.
This information is dry and focuses less on the [compassionate](./compassion.md) side of things but gives critical information. Bills have to be paid after you're gone, the property taxes need to be paid, and someone has to get to the checking accounts.

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# Financial Information
For a lot of us, we have access to financial accounts that our partners, children, and parents don't know about it.
## Credit Cards
As a [first day](./time.md) item, listing all credit card numbers, their PINs, security codes, and zip codes. You should be using a [password vault](./password.md), so this list should also include the name of the entry in the vault. If your vault can store the cards and you feel [safe](./security.md) putting it there, you could store it directly and then this part is just a list of entries and directions of how to get it into the vault.
This is a first day item because they may need a credit card to get a hotel in case of an emergency or to rent a vehicle in a hurry.
It would be smart if you always had a credit card with plenty of balance on that, but I mostly go paycheck-to-paycheck so that's a dream. Instead, I write down how to check the balance to let them know which one has a few bucks here and there.
## Bank Accounts
On the other hand, as a first week item, a list of bank accounts is needed. These are used less critically, but knowing where to find a check book and having the account numbers is important. It is also important to be able to log into those accounts so the password vault should have all the information needed to log in.
The [file](./file.md), on the other hand, is a great place to put the one-time passwords to get to the bank if they provide them.
Other information related to bank accounts is list where your payroll goes. Do you put a percentage in one bank and the rest in the other? That is important because your final paycheck is probably going to follow the same rules and the survivors might need access to that.
I would also include which accounts have automatic payments coming from them. I try to have all the bills pay themselves from a single, dedicated account. I also include a rough budget so my partner knows how much needs to be there to keep everything running in the first year.
## Insurance
List insurance policies. Every single one, no matter if it is the $1000 from your bank or the company one. Include information on the beneficiaries and how to contact the insurance company. I actually consider this a first week item because red tape can take a while to process and this is relatively "free" money.
Now, we've seen a lot of push on taxes. If you are reading this, you probably don't need to worry about it since the threshold is in the [millions](https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estate-tax) according to [many](https://www.fool.com/research/estate-inheritance-taxes/) [websites](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/120715/estate-taxes-who-pays-what-and-how-much.asp).
## Retirement
This is a first month item. Knowing where the 401(k) and IRA is important because that is a buffer for emergencies.
Like accounts, I put these in the password vault and then just list their entries and contact information to get them out. Including the occasional balance also helps.
This information is important to making sure the bills are paid and no one loses the house. It may also be needed just to survive, so it is definitely critical information in the first month.

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# Exit Planning
We plan for the birth of our children but rarely do we prepare ourself for death until it's too late. This plot in a digital garden is a capsule of thoughts, observations, and experiences related to exit planning or preparing for the end of life.
This isn't one long document because the idea is to keep things to reasonable chunks of information. Also, in hopes of being able to find specific topics when needed.
The [introduction](./introduction.md) is a short essay on why planning for the end is important. It's a bit poetic, but seems like an easy way to start.
The next section, [circumstances](./circumstances.md), is the beginning to talk about the situations that happens when exit planning in needed.
## Primary Links
The primary URL for this is [https://d.moonfire.us/garden/exit-planning/](https://d.moonfire.us/garden/exit-planning/) but the Git repository is located at [https://gitlab.com/dmoonfire/exit-planning](https://gitlab.com/dmoonfire/exit-planning). If you find typos, want to add things, make corrections, or have discussions. Heading over to the Git repository is a good place.
## License
This book is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. More info can be found at [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
The preferred attribution for this novel is:
> "Exit Planning" by D. Moonfire is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
In the above attribution, use the following links:
* Exit Planning: [https://d.moonfire.us/garden/exit-planning/](https://d.moonfire.us/garden/exit-planning/)
* D. Moonfire: [https://d.moonfire.us/](https://d.moonfire.us/)
* CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)

src/introduction.md Normal file
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# Introduction
Just as everyone is born, everyone also dies. It is a part of the natural cycle of life where things end. Though we plan for a child's birth, with parties and dreams of their future, rarely do we talk about how our lives end. Instead, we leave behind an empty hole in the world, both in the hearts and lives of those around us.
How we go is important to those still behind. Over the years, we frequently prop up things on our lives. We may have acquired them because of our skills or desires. Maybe you do the finances for your family? Or make sure everyone is fed? Or clothed? You might care for your parents or your pets or your children. Maybe you have a business or investments or a church.
What happens to those when you pass? Can the survivors take the reins and keep everything going or will it fall apart, leaving a devastation that could destroy futures?
Planning for how we leave the world is a compassion to those around us. We already know that they will be devastated and heart-broken, but how can we make sure their lives continue when we are no longer around? We document and we plan. We come up with something now, when we aren't in a hospital bed or flipping over in a car. We come up with something now so when it happens, we already know that we're prepared.
This garden plot is written in an informal style. The basic conventions is "you" references the reader, maybe someone looking to prepare for the end while "we" is just us as a collective.
> We are all in this together.
The biggest thing to remember: take a deep breath. This isn't a sprint, planning is a cumulation of thoughts and organization then is put down to help others. It's a marathon through some scary places that most of us don't want to remain in. It is important, but not exactly a theme park or a beach.

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# Passwords
Get a password vault, period. Most people choose bad passwords to start with and don't write them down.
I prefer [BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com/) and pay the $10/year because it lets me share passwords with my Partner, children, and in-laws. It lets me designate Partner as my recovery, which means if I am inaccessible for a month, it unlocks for Partner without needing a one-time password.
There are others, but don't trust browser password saving and make sure you can access your passwords without your phone. This is because it might be destroyed in a car accident, lost in a river, or taken for evidence. You need to make sure there are at least two different ways to get to the password.
Also, use a [good password](https://bitwarden.com/password-strength/) for your vault. I like phrases and sentences instead of random letters. As [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/936/) points out, it is easier to remember "behold I am made of cheese" instead of "a8$jd8298vlk#$" but they have the same basic strength. It's a pain to type though, but you can use biometrics if you feel that is [safe](./security.md).
As a [first day](./time.md) item, the directions in your [file](./file.md) should explain how to get into the password vault. That allows you to change your passwords via the vault and not have to write down every password change you make.
## Authenticators
Use authenticators whenver possible instead of SMS. Ideally, the authenticator should have a backup and multiple access. The reason to avoid SMS is because it requires a phone, which may be lost or inaccessible when they need it.
I use BitWarden for the bulk of my authenticators, but I also use [Ageis](https://getaegis.app/) for some critical ones because it is not automatically shared across machines.